Episode 5.3/ goodbye Note

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My brother was leaning his back on the side of the stair. I idolize him very much
"didn't I tell you, Kou?" he said in a stern voice.
"You're to exorcise the Seven Wonders as soon as you encountered them." he said as i looked down
"I've tolerated them because they didn't cause fatal harm to students, but lately, there's a sudden change in the school's apparitions. The Wonders, in particular, are the most powerful apparitions in the school. Danger should be nipped in the bud."

"but... lately, he doesn't seem like a bad apparition to me." I reasoned to my brother. "He pisses me off, and I can't let him get away with hanging out in the girl's bathrooms, but he's helped and everyone else. Maybe he-" 
"Kou." I turn to look at him. he have his hand on his face and looks dead serious 
"There's no such things as a good apparition."

'b-but.." i looked down.
"*sigh* i left this to you because i hoped it would help you grow as an exorcist, but it look like it backfired." he said as he walks away
"Stay away from Seven Wonders from now on. I'll take care of the rest."
I step forward and grabbed his shoulder.

"W-Wait, Teru-nii!" he turned and look at me. The look on my face was begging him
He smiled and said.
"Alright." and put a hand on my head
"I'll wait just a little longer. Do your duty."
"I will."


Me and Yashiro are currently in the library looking for info about Hanako. While I look for info about the 'other' 7th School Wonder.


Author's POV

Hi guys. This is probably gonna be the last ep of this book
It's unfinished ye
But thank you to all of you.
For reading, commenting and stuff.
Things was been rough and I'll be resting for a very, very long time.
I just can't take another zero from my quiz. It's my second chance and I failed to pass it.
It's embarrassing. I did my best.
3 people already told me that it's alright, I did my best and stuff.
One of them let me vent (online friend. Thanks Grav it's me Elizabeth)
One of them is my cousin and my dad.

It's not just because of academics. I've been suffering since I was 12
Depressed ass bitch 😂

Also the fact that even if I tried my best it's not enough. Even my so called friend Calls me idiot and stupid
Maybe he's joking.

I'm planning to overdosed myself tonight
Sept 17, 2023

Happy advance birthday to my dog, Sashimi
His birthday is tomorrow.

Laughing at the fact that I did self-harm 2 time and got caught two times
Ig I'm not good at hiding it
First one was found out by my dad
2nd is when my teacher checked my notes
I thought he doesn't read it, but he does
So I got called to the SWAPO? SWAFO? IDK.
He said shits blah blah blah
He didn't tell my father
He just said if I need someone to talk to, just go to his office.

Why do I have this online friend like he doesn't care? Well, it's alright. It's only been 90 days and stuff since we became friends 💀
And you're acting like you don't care but it's cool.
At least no drama.
Neither my friends asked me to stop

My life is really pathetic. No one cares. But like I said,
It's alright.

If I live and it failed
I guess I'll continue this.

I was planning to stop going to school and just be a farmer taking care of pigs and chickens.
But eh I've decided to die.

Choosed GAS Strand because I'm undecided
But now it's my last year to graduate
I've decided to die LMAO

Ah.. the money that my dad spent will be nothing.
I hope he made a new child who is better than me.

My final day alive.

Thank you all, again.
Cya around ig

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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