Cliche & Unique • CE

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Perks of being Chris's girlfriend included that kind of treatment.

"I'm starving, babe, should we grab something to eat before practice?" Chris wonders, touching his stomach before stopping you from walking further, he always gets about an hour after school to do whatever the hell he and the rest of the team wanted.

However their practices did tend to run very late, later than yours did, "I have a better idea." You bite your bottom lip gently, leaning in while cradling Chris's face to kiss him.

Arriving at your house, which was two streets away from the high school, upon opening the door Chris's nostrils are pleased with the aroma in the air.

"My mom is making your favorite." You add, your mom loves to cook, you come from a long line of amazing cooks especially of food from your background, Mexican food.

"Tacos al pastor?" Chris blurts out, since dating you his Spanish has gotten much better. And his pronunciation, despite Chris's Italian/American background, has been perfect.

"Cristobal!" Your mom appears wearing her apron, gentle Mexican music played from her phone in the kitchen, and your dad was on the couch watching the news drinking a corona beer.

"Mamá, it's Christopher," you correct her, she calls him that every time she sees him. And you've been dating Chris for almost a year now. He's been over at your house more times than you can count and your mom still can't say his name correctly.

"That's what I said," she says with an accent, "come, come in!" She grabs his arms and leads him into the house.

Taking your backpack from him, you leave him chatting with your mom about how good it smelled, while you went over to say hello to your dad before dropping some things off in your room.

"Hola Papá," Leaning to politely press your cheek against his, he smiles at you. Enjoying his beer.

"Hola Mija, you brought your boyfriend again?" He says the word boyfriend with a sharp tone, growing up in a Mexican household meant your parents were very strict especially about boys.

If you go out, like the normal 17 year old that you are. They always need to know where you are going, who are you going with, what kind of people are the people you're going to be with, and god forbid you don't answer the phone if they call.

And your dad was the one to give you a curfew of 9:30pm. It used to be 10:30pm, but then you started dating Chris and he took away an hour...because according to your Mexican parents staying out late with a boyfriend is a HUGE no no.

And for the longest your dad didn't let Chris in your room, however slowly but surely you can see Chris is starting to grow on him, and he's now allowed in your room with the door wide open and the lights on.

"Mr.Y/l/n," Chris appears and gives your father's hand a good shake, "how are you?"

"Fine. How are you, mijo? When's your next game?"

Walking away to put your things in your room, like your backpack, and books, you distantly hear Chris talking with your dad, "I'm doing good. Our next game is this Friday, sir."

"Well, I'm sure you'll win if my daughter is going to be cheering you on."

Entering your living room again, you had changed quickly into your cheer practice clothes, which were just some spandex, a loose T shirt and your cheer shoes.

"Muy alto!" Your father points out how high your spandex were, "go change, Y/n."

"Pa," you groan, Chris was quick to learn that in your house you referred to your parents as "Pa" or "Papa" when speaking to your Dad, and "Ma" or "Mama" when talking to your Mom.

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