silvercandle drabble

551 3 40

It is the end of the eleventh elimination of the game. The eliminated contestant is not eliminated, and MePhone is not happy with it.

Everyone is crowding around the elimination area as Fist Thingy III fails to eliminate Floory off the island.

Candle focuses on Mephone and Floory, caressing his chin as she thought. Suddenly, the candle felt a tap on her shoulder. She did not need to turn around to see who it is, for she could sense his purple aura. Of course, it's Silver Spoon.

"Yes, Silver?" She mouth-whispered at the taller. Candle knows she cannot talk with her default voice volume at the moment because a situation is happening. Idiot.

"May we step aside from this and chat?" He pointed in the direction to the alliance's hangout spot. The jailcell thing. I don't know what it is.

"Of course." Candle smiled and took Silver's hand and they walked off. Of course with Silver being a simp, he got flustered by this. I don't know how to write transitions so they go in the jailcell thing to talk privately. Slay.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" Candle sat against the wall, calmly smiling at Silver Spoon.

"I... uhm..." Silver fidgeted which is very unlike him. "I wanted to tell you that... you look pretty today?"

Candle massaged her temples. "I sense you are nervous about something. Am I bothering you? You can always talk to me, Silver." She rose from her spot and put her hand on Silver's shoulder...? I don't know they're objects in this.

"Okaaaayy..." The taller one facepalmed. "Candle. I think we've been great friends for a while, even though we've had our ups and downs..." Silver took a big ol' inhale of air. Candle tilted her head and softly smiled. "Willyougooutwithme??"

Candle's eyes widened and she took her hand back from Silver's shoulder. "Wait--does that mean no??" Silver gasped, quick to make assumptions. Instead, Candle started to giggle and smile.

"No--no, you don't understand." The shorter one hummed. "Silver, I will go out with you." She did the leg twirling thing like when someone has a crush on someone and they're looking at the ground or smth idk how to describe it but its so skrunkly

Silver gasped, he did not expect this to happen. He was so nervous too, and things don't always go his way. "Oh...! T-thanks!!!" He was being kinda awkward and I have insane writer's block right now so I may as well too. I just want to get to the part where they kiss.

"Uh. Here. Sit down so I can be closer." When Silver sat down, she placed her hands on Silver's shoulders. He shivered and hummed at the touch. Candle leaned in further to Silver until they were so close that the gap inbetween their lips closed.

They enjoyed eachother's warmth for a couple seconds until Silver pulled away, his face flustered. "H-whow... That was amazing..." He nuzzled his head into Candle's because her head is so big you can play tictactoe on it💀💀

Candle hummed and nodded. "Silver, did you know that I had a crush on you before you confessed?"

"I-erm-Of course I did! Thats why I confessed first!" Silver chuckled.

"Something is telling me you didn't know." Candle caressed his cheek.

"I. Oh quiet." Silver yawned and rested his arms on Candle's head (how is that mf not getting burnt💀💀). "Candle, I'm tired"

"...Do you want to sleep here?" Candle mumbled. She looked at her partner, who is hugging her and drifting off to sleep.

"Mhm. Night." Not even a couple seconds later and Silver's goofy silly snoring could be heard.

"Ok, goodnight, love." As Candle drifted off to sleep, her flame went out (its a headcanon). The two lovers slept throughout the night until morning, when it was time for the next challenge.

649 words!!!!
This is so cringe🥶🥶‼️‼️