Cold Coffee

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      Hamilton had been studying for hours, crammed in his dorm room that was dimly illuminated by a cheap lamp. His thesis was almost done after weeks of nonstop work and gallons of coffee. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, his back releasing small rapid pops.

       He glanced at the cheap crooked clock on his wall, and he had to squint to clearly make out the plastic letters. "Almost 12..." he sighed. He looked at his near-empty mug, scowling at the stale cold coffee at the bottom.

        He got up and grabbed a hoodie deciding to go get some fresh air. He pulled his Arctic Monkeys hoodie over his head and put his outgrown hair in a messy ponytail. He stepped out of his dorm, the halls reeking of body odor and weed. He walked briskly through the hallways, getting overwhelmed immediately by the sounds and smells of a typical college.

          He walked down the stairs and pushed the large doors open, the fresh air rejuvenating him. As he was walking down the steps, a man stopped him. "Nice hoodie," he said, "I'm Thomas Jefferson." He was a tall man, with shoulder length curly hair.

         "Hamilton, Alexander." Hamilton said with a smile and although he would never admit it himself, a light blush painted his cheeks light pink. "Nice to meet you, Alexander." Thomas said. "Yeah," Hamilton said. "It is." He looked up at the gray clouds, "You think it's going to rain?"

        "Maybe. So..." Thomas said, following Hamilton's line of sight, "What's your major?" Hamilton looked over at him, Thomas still looking at the night sky, "Political science. You?" Hamilton queried. "Same here," Thomas chuckled. "Do you have any hobbies?Personally, I have an interest in art."

        "I like reading and writing, I've always had an interest in literature." Hamilton said. This went on for hours, the two relishing in each others company and exchanging light banter. Eventually the talking simmered out and they sat in silence in the college steps.

        "I have to go, it's getting late, but here's my number." Thomas said with a sweet smile. "Thanks," Hamilton said, looking into his brown eyes, "I'll see you around."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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