Earth-Two Linda shook her head. "You can't stop Zoom."

"Yes, we can," Juliet insisted. "And we will, but in order to do that, we need your help."

She eventually agreed. Earth-Two Linda said that she would've thrown Barry's new emblem on his suit through the breach. With that confirmation, they went back upstairs, got back in their regular clothes, and told everyone what Earth-Two Linda had told them.

"Zoom wants Doctor Light to send him your new emblem," Caitlin repeated.

"Yes," Barry replied. "We need it for bait. If we can get Doctor Light to take my emblem, throw it through the breach, then Zoom will come to collect my body, and we can trap him."

"You know it took a lot of work to make that emblem, right?" Cisco inquired.

"This is the woman who was willing to kill Linda in order to escape Zoom, but now she's willing to help us catch him?" Caitlin asked.

"She knows it's the only way," Barry responded.

"Before I left Earth-Two, I worked on a serum to dampen Zoom's speed," Harry cut in. "All we would need is for Ramon to develop a weapon to deliver it."

"Oh, great, that could be this year's cold gun," Caitlin voiced. "Maybe another criminal can get it, and then we'd have Sergeant Slow."

"I would never let that happen," Cisco protested. "Sergeant Slow is a terrible name."

"Are we forgetting how much more powerful than Barry Zoom seems to be? I mean, if Barry can catch bullets, what's to say Zoom can't catch whatever you shoot at him?"

"Surprise," Harry revealed. "The element of surprise. All we would do is rig a projectile to fire as Zoom crosses into the breach. He can't stop what he can't see coming."

"That's great," Barry told him.


Caitlin turned towards Joe. "Joe, voice of reason here?"

"We need a plan," Joe said. "That's as good as any." He nodded to Harry. "As long as he can deliver."

"Don't underestimate me, Detective," Harry insisted.

Juliet then felt her phone buzz, and she pulled it out to see it was a text from Patty — the two had exchanged numbers recently to keep up with cases. "Oh, hey, Patty needs us back at the station."

Barry knit his eyebrows as he followed after her into the hallway. "You have Patty's number?"

"Yeah. Just because you didn't accept it doesn't mean I can't."

"Oh my God."

She laughed at him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

(Juliet just liked to tease him. It was kind of fun.)

ϟ ···················· ϟ ···················· ϟ

SOMEHOW, WHILE JULIET and Barry were at work, Earth-Two Linda had managed to escape from S.T.A.R. Labs. It seemed like they had not gotten to her about helping them, and all she left behind was her suit.

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