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'WAKE UP LOSER! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!' Screamed Jordan Johnson, Allistors cousin.

Allistor groaned. He checked his alarm clock, which had been multiple times but had still survived. 'I swear this thing is immortal' Allistor whispered under his breath. The clock said 6:19. The calendar also said that it was July 14.

'Bro, it's literally July. Now let me sleep' He rolled his eyes. Jordan huffed and stomped his big-foot figure downstairs.

He went back to sleep, or at least tried to. He couldn't shake off a weird feeling, like someone was in the room. He got up and checked everywhere, making sure to double-check some places. He walked over to the closet, which was messed up because Jordan was pissed and was being annoying and ruined it. It took Allistor some time to find his clothes.

He put on a black short-sleeved shirt that was a little bit short, a cream-colored jacket, dark blue baggy shorts which were VERY comfortable and black and cream-colored sandals which were for females but did Allistor care? No.

He put on a red bandana to keep his leaf colored hair out of his face.

He checked the clock, it said 7:24.

'ALRIGHT LET'S GO BEFORE YOU'RE LATE' he screamed when he reached the door. Jordan stomped his way to Allistor, who was waiting for him on his phone.

'You ready?' He asked. Jordan nodded. Allistor unlocked the door, went outside and locked it once Jordan went outside.


Allistor was talking to his aunt on the phone while he was waiting for Jordan. His aunt was yelling at him for nothing. Allistor entirely was done with her, so, he hung up. 

'Raphael,she can't mind her business, can she?' He leaned against the wall and sighed. Just then, the doors opened. Allistor got up, then heard something. It sounded like it was coming up from above. He looked up at the wall. There was a little statue standing there, but a second later, it was falling towards him. He barely had time to react, then.....


'Ugghhhhhh' Allistor woke up from his bed, he still remembered what happened earlier. He was expecting Jordan to bang on his door, but instead, there was small tapping on his window. He looked over at the noise, expecting an axe coming at his face. He was wrong. At the window was a boy with a baby blue short-sleeved shirt, which was tucked in some grey shorts. He had royal purple hair that reached his shoulders. He also had painted red nails.

'Hello there, Allistor' the boy greeted.

'I- How do you know my name? Who are you? What happened earlier? What about Jordan? Where did you come from?' He had many questions, but get didn't know if the boy could answer them.

'You can't shut up, can you?' Another boy asked. He had dark skin, Teal hair that was braided, a yellow tank top, an yellow-orange jacket, pastel pink shorts, and yellow sandals. The boy was lying down on top of the closet.

'Be nice, Gabriel.  Don't mind him Allistor, he just doesn't like new people' The purple-haired boy said.

'Is no one gonna answer me or????'

'Oh yeah! I'll answer your questions!1. The reason why I know your name is because me and Gabriel have been following you, don't ask why.2. My name is Galcto Galacta, the other sassy one is Gabriel Santi'

'Anyway.3. Earlier, the statue fell on you, we found you on the side of the road and decided to bring you back here.4. Jordan is alright, he's in his room right now.5. We came from a pizzeria, and yes, you heard that right. Oh, and we forgot to tell you something' he smiled and clasped his hands together.

'W-what is it?'

'You're dead.' Gabriel said without hesitation, playing with his little braid.

'Heeeey, I wanted to say it' Galcto frowned and crossed his arms.

'You snooze, you loose Gal'

Galcto rolled his eyes, and then another(yes another) tap came from the window.

The three boys looked over at it to see a cute little pastel green dragon. It's red little claws tapped on the window.

Galcto opened it and the dragon flew inside. It flew right next to Gabriel, who pet it's head. Galcto looked if there was someone on the road. No one. Good, he closed the window.

'Ummm, who is that' Allistor was ultimately confused, who wouldn't be? What would you do if 2 random boys showed up in your room, told you that you're dead and then a dragon enters your room?

'Ah, this is Leafy, they're very nice' Galcto said.

'Now come on, before Melanie notices we're not in bed' Gabriel said, getting up from his spot on the closet.

'Alright! Everyone on Leafy!'

'Shut up'


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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