"Good night."

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Chapter 9

As expected, Aether went outside to get something in the shop. Basically hiding his ghoul identity by hiding his horns and tail.
Meanwhile.. the gremlin (Sodo) started to wake up. He was actually pretty clueless about what happened and why he fell asleep again. “Hm?” The smaller ghoul looked around, before getting up from his bed and walking out of his room. He went downstairs and looked for his partner for a while, and when he couldn't find him, he just assumed that the larger ghoul went outside. So the smaller ghoul basically just sat down in the living room, and went on his phone, until one of the ghoulettes sat down next to him. The smaller ghoul was quiet for a while, but then asked. “Hey uh, do you know how I ended up back in my room? I don't remember going there, so I thought you would know.” Sodo asked, curious. “Oh! Yeah. You fell asleep after Aether's 'time out' thingy.” The ghoulette chuckled. “Oh? I don't remember falling asleep.” Sodo said. “Well, Aeth just basically wanted to carry you back to your room, and he did. He's kinda nice to you even after all the shit you've done to him.” The ghoulette stated. “Yeah.. I realized that too.” The smaller ghoul said, sighing. “ He's too sweet.” The smaller ghoul admitted. “Agreed.” The ghoulette added. “He seems to care for you, I recommend keeping him. Please don't fuck up with his feelings, hm?” The ghoulette said. “ Mhm. ” The smaller ghoul hummed. “ Oh yeah! Also, papa said that were having a concert tonight!” The ghoulette turned to the smaller ghoul. “Oh? We are?” The smaller ghoul asked, confused. “I didn't get any kind of message.” Sodo explained. “Because you were asleep, dum dum.” She smiles. “Ohh right. When is the Meetup?” Sodo questioned. “Umm...8 pm, as the usual.” The ghoulette thought for a bit before answering. “Yeah, uh.. do you know where Aether went?” Sodo turned to the ghoulette. “I think he went outside about an hour ago? I'm not quite sure.” She explained. “ I'm kind of worried about him though.” She said, but all of the sudden the door opened.
The larger ghoul was back. He walked to the kitchen, and put the food he had brought on the kitchen counter. He took off his disguise and slightly shook his head. 'Geez, so stressful outside.' the larger ghoul thought to himself. “Oh, seems like your lover's back.” The ghoulette smiles. She was quite happy that Sodo finally got up with him, though she was a little worried about their relationship, she didn't seem to mind. She was rather just really happy for both of them. “Well, I'll leave you two alone, tell Aether about the concert please? He was gone when papa told us.” Cumulus asked, before she walked away. “Will do.” The smaller ghoul replied, before making his way to Aether. “ Heyy, where have you been?” The smaller ghoul asked, turning to Aether. “Ah, hello there. Didn't expect you go be awake. However, I was just in a shop of some sort. Because they ran out of bananas. ” Aether explained, before hugging his smaller partner. “Oh! Right, also 'Lus said that Papa told everyone were performing tonight, and before you ask, the meetup is at 8.” Sodo said. “Right, thanks” The larger ghoul thanked, but didn't pull away from the hug.

Time skip to 7:50 pm.

Everyone was already in the backstage, including Rain and Mountain. I mean, almost everyone. Papa was running a little late, but arrived at 7:59. The ghouls were already in their uniforms and masks.
Sodo and Aether were pretty much just chit-chatting, while waiting for Papa to give them a signal to go on the stage. After all of them got onto the stage, Sodo felt happy and all excited. There were a lot of fans of his and the other members. He was so happy to see them all. Plus, they planned to play many of Sodo's favorite songs. So the night was pretty chill. Though Sodo and Rain were being just "gay" again, but only for the fans of course. And. . Aether had to watch it and just brush it off. He was pissed of course. He didn't like them doing that at all. He never did. So when the concert ended, he was .. very clingy to Sodo. But Sodo didn't mind it. He was kinda enjoying the attention he was getting, as it felt pretty nice too. Though the two had to change after the concert, so they had to separate.

After the two changed, Aether was just waiting in the hallway for Sodo and the other members to walk out as he was bored. Papa stayed on the stage, entertaining the audience, as always.
Soon Sodo ran out of his room into the hallway. He seemed to be in a rush until he reached Aether. “Dear hell-” The smaller ghoul breathed out. “You good there, bud?” Aether asked, slightly tapping the smaller ghoul's mask. As it was in the rules, he himself had his mask on too. All of the ghouls had. Plus, it was harder to breathe in the mask, so Sodo leaned onto Aether a bit, lifting his own mask up a little to catch his breath. “You shouldn't have ran—” The larger ghoul admitted. “I know.” The smaller ghoul replied. “ Just couldn't wait to see you.” The smaller ghoul added. “Ohh, I see.” The larger ghoul smiled underneath his mask. The smaller ghoul soon catched his breath, and fixed his posture. The two then went outside to the bus, that was supposed to take them back to the hotel., As the two got in, they took a seat somewhere. Sodo took one near the window and Aether sat right beside him. Soon other ghouls came too. They all seemed rather tired and exhausted, but happy. After Papa got in too, the bus driver started driving them back to the hotel. The ghouls went to their own rooms, except for Aether and Sodo. The two ended up in Sodo's room in the end, because they were too tired to go somewhere else. They could finally take their masks off so that was some kind of relief too. The smaller ghoul sat down on the edge of the bed, and kicked off his shoes. The sat down in the middle of the bed, waiting for his lover to do the same. The two soon got into the bed, and they got covered themselves with blankets. They were visibly too tired to do anything else at that point, so they just hugged, the smaller ghoul holding the larger one's hand while slowly drifting off to sleep. “Good night, Mia amo.” The larger ghoul whispered before going to sleep also....

(I'm so tired. I'm too tired actually - might go to sleep soon. Good night or good morning [depending on what time is it for you] to everyone. Buh-bye, loves!)

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