That's all I said before, walking away.

"Wait!!!! Troye! Where are you going?? I haven't said I'm sorry..."

I smiled, not facing him. Something about seeing him for even one more minute made my smile grow, something that rarely ever happened.

I made sure to vanish my smile though, as I turned to face him.

"Okay, say you're sorry." I started defiantly.


*Tyler's POV*

I saw his smile as he had to try and walk away.


His eyes seemed to turn sadder and he began to turn away again.

I grabbed his arm, pulling him towards a empty coffee shop.

"Let me take you to get coffee so I can offically apologize."

With my suggestion, he began to fight off a smile.


I dropped his arm, feeling bad. Until I saw the humor shining in his eyes.

A smile prominently showing on his face, as he grabbed my arm and pulled me through the door of the coffee shop; me chuckling at his hypocritical enthusiasm as he dragged me all the way to the counter.

"Ok druggy Pete, what do you want?" I chuckled as his eyes frantically scanned the menu, and he bounced on his heels.

He stopped bouncing, but not before shooting a viciouse glare my direction and pointing to number 7.

"I want that one." He said, starting once again to subtly bounce.

"Ok... Um... Can I get one number seven, and my regular." I said to the very bored barista.

" 'Kay Tyler, give me like two minutes."

*Troye's POV*

I stared at him as he watched the girl make his coffee.

"Wait! You know Britany?" I said amazed that he knew my favorite barista,

"Yah I come here every day..." He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Troye I got yours ready..." Britany stated, handing me my double Nutella frap.

"Thanks Great Britian." I said smirking as Tyler looked at me appauled.

"No way." He said, smiling.

I looked up at him from my cup of heaven and shrugged.

"I might just be one of their regulars..." I said, chuckling at his taken aback look.

"I would close your mouth, you don't want flies to fly in." I stated, before strutting away to my normal table.

I heard Britany call Tyler's name, and him whisper something to her.

"Yep, he comes in every day 'round 7 thirty." Britany answered waving to me.

I waved back and once again noticed how amazed Tyler looked.

"Ok, how have I never noticed you here?" He said, taking a seat across from me.

"Because you never bother to look up from your laptop." I murmered, only realizing what I had said seconds after it came out of my mouth.

He smirked, taking a sip of coffee before replying, "So you've noticed me."

At his snarky look I laughed. "You do know who you are right? You're fricken Tyler Oakley. The most popular guy in school. Everyone notices you."

He laughed, and I was shocked at how witchy it sounded. Almost more of a cackle then laugh.

"I do know who I am... I am Tyler Oakley, probably the biggest jackass slash douche ever. And I owe you an apology. So...."

He got out of his chair and kneeled down on one knee in front of me.

"Troye Sivan, do you, accept my most humble apology of sorryness?"

*Tyler's POV*

He laughed and put finger to his chin, as though he were thinking hard about my question.


I frowned.

"It's going to take... 7? No, 8 coffees to thoroughly apologize."

I saw humor glistening in his eyes as he took another sip of his coffee, looking innocently up from his straw, to me.

"9 coffees it is then." I said.

He laughed, and I melted a little. His laugh was so-...

Nope, you can't go liking guys... You are straight Tyler.

But... Why not... No one will know...

No... You can't..

I frowned.

You like him...

Yah... I do...

I sat back in my seat smiling at his face as he tried to slurp the rest of the Nutella through the straw, frowning when he couldn't.

Suddenly he looked at me confused.

"How do you know my full name?"

I looked down embarrassed.

"I asked Britany..." I said, my face getting hot.

"Hmmmmm, does that count as a stalker move?" He said chuckling at me.

"YES!!!!!" Troye and I both turned to see Britany smiling widely as she must have been listening to our conversation the entire time.

"Does that count as a eavesdropper move?" I whispered causing Troye to burst out laughing.

"Yesss!!!!" He said mocking Britany.

She frowned fakely before tending to a customer that had just come in.


I heard the guy at the counter call to Troye.

"Derek!" Troye yelled, waving at him. Before turning to me and whispering, "Just follow my lead."

Derek came over and hugged Troye before glaring at me.

"What's he doing here?" He whispered loudly.

"Oh, Tyler needs me to finish his...latin assignment..." He said, then added, "Either that or Caspar's gonna.... You know...."

Derek seemed to understand, for he nodded and left.

"What was that?" I said suddenly feeling angry that Troye had lied.

"Look Tyler, you and I both know that if I told Derek you were coming here to buy me coffee and apologize that he would tell Kat, and if one of your friends found out... Well..." He trailed off and I suddenly understood.

If one of my friends found out it would mean not only Troye getting made fun of and beat up, but I would lose my top tear popularity status.

Then something else came too light... Troye and I had known each other for less than two hours, and I already felt like he was one of my good friends.

"Troye?" I said suddenly, acting on a sudden impulse.

"Yah?" He said, tilting his head to one side, and reminding me of the two pugs on youtube.

"We just met each other.." I said.

"And it already feels like were friends..." He finished taking the words out of my mouth.

We looked at each other and laughed.

"Look at that, the airhead and unpopular guy, being best friends." Britany said her head resting in the palm of her hand, as she leaned her elbow on the counter.

Troye and I laughed.

"Yep..." We both said in unision, making us laugh harder.

I Am... (Troyler AU)Where stories live. Discover now