Chapter 3 (Rebecca's Master Plan)

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There were still quite a few cheerleaders who didn't need diapers, though that wouldn't be the case for long. Most of the cheerleaders were at the party and Liz had sent Rebecca to take care of the few cheerleaders that weren't.
Jamie, Kallen, Franny and Susan had been tweaking their new cheer and were walking through the empty school hallways to get to the party. Rebecca was the lone person walking towards them. She was wearing her sun dress and diaper and had her pacifier in her mouth. As soon as they saw her, the cheerleaders stopped dead.
"Um, hi?" Rebecca said, staring at their feet.
Rebecca was so shy and socially awkward that usually cheerleaders didn't even bother picking on her, but they couldn't resist making fun of a girl dressed like a baby. In a flash, the four cheerleaders had surrounded Rebecca from all four sides, making sure she couldn't escape.
"What's wrong? Are you lost baby girl? Did you lose your mama?" Jamie asked
"Aww, looks like the wittle BABY needs DIAPERS." Kallen jeered, lifting up Rebecca's skirt from behind to get a better view of her padding
"Ummm..." Rebecca muttered, looking down and sucking on her pacifier for comfort
"Are you going to go potty in your PAMPERS baby girl?" Franny asked "It's all right, we'll change your icky DIAPER."
She gave Rebecca a hard swat on the butt. Rebecca eeped and suddenly there was a faint hissing sound coming from her diaper. All four cheerleaders looked down at the same time to see her diaper yellowing and sagging.
"She's using it!" Susan squealed "She's actually using her diaper!"
"Uh..." Rebecca blushed
"I guess she's even more of a BABY than we thought."
"She belongs in preschool! No, daycare!"
"Anyone got a BOTTLE for the BABY?"
"I bet you need to go poo-poo too don't you, BABY?" Kallen sneered "Why don't you just go in your DIAPER? After all, you've already USED it once."
Kallen bent down to get a better look at the wet diaper. She happened to lean in too close. Rebecca stuck her butt out and grunted. There was a loud fart! and her diaper ballooned into Kallen's face as a huge smile appeared on Rebecca's.

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