Chapter 1 (3 Cheers for Diapers)

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It started as a party like any other. Addie's parents were out of town and after clearing out anything that was remotely breakable she and the rest of the cheerleaders sent a few texts out that there was going to be a party that Friday night. An hour in most of the people had shown up, drinks were being opened and a few hasty couples were already looking for their own room. Addie enjoyed herself but stayed near the front door to make sure no one who hadn't been invited tried to sneak in to look cool.
She was just about to lock the door for the night when there was a knock. Addie opened the door "Welc- huh?" She looked around and didn't see anyone.
"Down here!"
Addie looked and saw Liz standing at the bottom of the front steps. There wasn't very much light and she was hard to make out. Addie could only really see her face.
"Liz?" She asked in disbelief. There were certain rules about who was allowed to come to the cheerleaders parties and who wasn't, mostly based on popularity. Liz was well below the threshold.
"It's a full moon tonight so I thought I was automatically invited." Liz said. Addie rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, um, I don't know if you know this or not, being so stupid, but there's a reason you weren't invited to this party." Addie said
"You know it's a blood moon tonight." Liz said, ignoring the statement "It gives us some special powers."
"What? Us? What are you talking about?" Addie asked
"I'll show you, come over here." Liz said, beckoning
Addie sighed and walked down the stairs. Liz didn't scare her one bit.
"All right, what is it?" She asked
"A little further!" Liz said, moving farther away. Addie followed.
Just as she followed Liz around the house into the blind spot where no one would see them, Addie noticed something. She hadn't been able to get a good look at Liz before but now that her eyes had adjusted to the dark she saw that Liz's outfit looked awfully strange. She was wearing a sun dress, which wasn't too out of place except it was light pink and had little white trim around the hem of the skirt and sleeves. It reminded Addie of something a toddler would wear. And her hair, it was in pigtails, again reminding Addie of a toddler.
"Hu- ah!" Several pairs of hands grabbed Addie and pulled her onto the grass. A hand clapped tightly over her mouth to keep her from yelling. Addie pulled, but she was completely taken by surprise. They had her immobilized and silenced in seconds.
"Quietly now." Liz said while Addie was held down. She turned around and lifted up the hem of her skirt. In the moonlight Addie blinked twice, but there was no doubt about what she saw. Liz was wearing a diaper, a thick, crinkling disposable diaper between her legs. And she was moving it towards Addie's face.
"All right, I'm ready." Liz said "On my mark, uncover her mouth so I can turn her."
Turn!? Now Addie's heart began to pound even harder if possible and her thrashing became more desperate. What were they doing to her? Liz wasn't actually about to... use her diaper on her face was she!?
"Now!" Liz said and Addie suddenly found herself able to yell again
Addie's scream was cut off almost immediately by Liz's diaper pressing against her face. She struggled but the other werebabies held her in position. It wouldn't have made a difference anyways, Addie didn't have any leverage against Liz sitting on her face.
"Ahh..." Liz sighed, relieving herself into her diaper. Pffft! Addie didn't know well enough to hold her breath.
There was a moment where she thought that whatever Liz was pressing against her face smelled disgusting. Then, suddenly it turned into the most amazing smell in the world. Without thinking Addie thrust her face deeper into Liz's mushy butt and breathed deep. Her panties crinkled and puffed out, stretching the seams on her skinny jeans until riiip! Her pants tore open and a thick, disposable diaper broke out, crinkling softly between her legs. Then her t-shirt began morphing and changing until it had become a short sun dress, with the dress low enough to cover just half of her diaper so anyone could see what she was wearing. A pacifier formed in Addie's mouth, which she suckled softly without a second thought and her hair tied itself into pigtails, completing the transformation. Liz stood up and looked down at Addie.
"How do you feel?" Liz asked. Addie snickered and squatted. Braap! Her diaper drooped.
"The key to the back door is under the garden gnome." She said in between pacifier sucks while she messed her diaper. Liz got down on the grass and stuck her face into Addie's expanding diaper and rubbed her face in it.
"Mmm, you're a stinky little diaper girl." She sighed "Daddy's gonna LOVE you."
"Thanks. And I have just the person to target next, hee hee." Addie giggled as reached into her purse before running off with the other werebabies.

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