Once Upon A Time...

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Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom...There lives a wealthy nobleman who has an only son named Sage. Sage is kind and handsome. The nobleman's previous wife passed away when Sage was only a baby, leaving just him and his father. As Sage got older, the father grew lonelier. So he decides to get re-married, the father's new wife has two sons of her own named Douglas and Andy. But one bitter winter night, the father fell ill and passed away overnight. Leaving Sage with no one, the Stepmother finally showed her TRUE colors toward Sage, she was wicked, selfish, and bitterly jealous of Sage's youthfulness and Beauty. Andy took all of Sage'sclothes and the room. The Stepmother forces Sage to wear rags and do all of the chores in the house while the Stepbrothersplay. At night, the Stepmother forces Sage to sleep by the fireplace laying on a straw mat on the cold hard floor. Even though the fire kept him warm during the cold nights, the ashes and cinders would fall on his face and clothes making him look filthy, and the Stepmother and Stepbrother Andy call him...


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