Possible Digimon #1

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These will be possible candidates that might show up for the classic series. Each Digimon will be similar to the aliens that Ben has himself, So let's get this started right off the bat.

(Also any ones that I leave blank I just couldn't find a Digimon for them)

Heatblast: these ones mainly have to be fire-based humanoid Digimon

Meramon - This is a pretty obvious one as they look incredibly similar to each other, I mean they're both made out of fire

Flamedramon - This is also a good one to represent Heatblast, I personally really like this one

Agunimon - also really good contender for Heatblast, That probably like this one the most

Wildmutt: literally all that this one will be is dog Digimon

Dobermon - I mean he's a little dog, Plus he has an x-antibody form So you can see that alongside Ultimate wildmutt

Baboongamon - My main reasoning for this one is because you can't really see his eyes/He doesn't really have any

Dorulumon - another dog/wolf digimon That could be a good representation of wildmutt, Plus this one is actually orange unlike the first two

Diamondhead: any Digimon that can manipulate rock or have rock based attacks

Blastmon - this one is okay I guess

Gogmamon - this guy works well with dimond head

Four Arms: literally just looking for a powerhouse, them having multiple arms is a plus though

Asuramon - literally the only one that I could find for Four Arms and that could be a powerhouse

Grey Matter: I mean they literally just have to be smart

Datamon - I mean he's smart so he fits, Plus he's actually pretty small although not as small as Gray Matter

Wisemon - pretty much the same category as data man but isn't as small

Ripjaws: pretty much Just aquatic Digimon around his size

Divemon - I mean he's a fish person and is around ripjaw's size so he fits pretty well

Marin Chimairamon - I might use this one, he looks cool

Upgrade: Just anything similar enough to him will work

Proto Gizmon - not made out of nanobots but this will work I guess

Stinkfly: I mean all that I need are bug base ones that are similar enough

Flybeemon - I mean he had poison stingers and can fly so that works

Mothmon - same reason as the first one except they have poisoned dust

Butterflymon - This is just a bug one that I wanted to include

Ghostfreak: basically just ghost-based Digimon

Phantomon - He is pretty much the only one that I can choose for this as the only other one close enough is his pre-evolution

Ghostmon - never mind I guess I found another one

Cannonbolt: Not too sure if I can even find a Digimon similar enough to him

Wildvine: I mean all that I need or plant Digimon

Ajatarmon - This one seems pretty close to wild Vine, plus he looks cool

Shurimon - This guy is also a good contender as well

Spitter: I literally have no idea, I'm probably going to need help on this one

Buzzshock: small Digimon with electrical powers

Thundermon - This one is a pretty accurate one, small and has electric powers

Exermon - although he's not as small I just wanted to put him here

Arctiguana: here's where we get to the ice Digimon

Paledramon - I mean the way both of them use ice are exactly the same so it fits

Chackmon - I mean why wouldn't I want to add this guy

Blitzwolfer: werewolf Digimon

Weregarurumon - I mean this one's pretty obvious

Cerberumon + Werewolf Mode - I mean he has a literal alternate form called werewolf mode

Snare-oh: I mean there's literally only one that fits

Mummymon - yeah this is pretty much all I got for this guy

Pharaohmon - This one is a good second I guess

Frankenstrike: I mean, We either have to go for the Frankenstein aspect or the electricity

Andromon - I mean he kind of gives off of Frankenstein vibe

Bulkmon - He's pretty big and has electricity powers so it fits

Upchuck: I can't really find any good ones for this guy either

Ditto: let's see if I can find a Digimon that can clone itself

Kumbhiramon - well it looks I found one, hooray for me

Eye Guy: I mean there's only one that can actually be used for him

Eyesmon - pretty creepy if I'm going to be honest

Ghoulmon - This guy is a good alternative if I'm going to be honest

Abbadomon - I guess this guy could fit as well

Way Big: literally just tall Digimon

Shoutmon x7 Superior mode - you know why I chose this one

Venommyotismon - He is also an obvious choice

And that's pretty much all the ones that I could think of, although if you guys have some suggestions I'd be happy to include them.

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