Episode 2 : new foe

Start from the beginning

(On spaceship)

Amelia " You guys are all right " Aiyon " Yes we are ." Zayto " Solon , did you find out what that thing this ." Solon " No , I am still working "

(A portal opens , green morphin master Comes )
Master Green " hope you are alright rangers , I request you to give the orb to me " Amelia " But , what happened master ". Master Green " I can't tell it to you now , but I soon will and besides that there is something, I have for you . A green Flute appears in her hand and she gives it to amelia . " Play the flute and I will come to answer your questions ". Amelia " Ok, we trust you ".

(Alarm beeps )

Solon " rangers boomtower is back again " . Amelia " Let's go team let's see what is he upto "

(On planet quantum rangers land already morphed )

Izzy " Hey, boom boy , back again , already?". Boomtower " It's not over yet rangers , and now with my freezing powers ,I will present some colourful ice creams to Lord Zedd. Hey , blue boy You might have forgotten a little something. " Ollie " Wait, the freeze orb it is not present anymore." Boomtower " Yes, it is with me and now I will destroy you all ". Amelia " Not ,on our watch " ( They start fighting and are not able to coop up with him , because he was too powerful , Boomtower attacks Izzy but amelia comes in between and was not able to stop him , she froze into an ice cube ) Izzy " no.." Ollie " AMELIA " . Boomtower " I hope lord Zedd likes red coloured ice - cream " ( He teleports with amelia to villains base)

[At Riza palace]

Lord Zedd " what a beautiful surprise, boomtower, now I can use her orb to fullfill my dream , SCROZZLE get to work at once " Scrozzle " Yes master " . ( Amelia is defrosted and she is caught in chains her red orb was taken by scrozzle and he used it to charge a robot ) Amelia " Your evil plans will never be fulfilled, my friends will come to save me " Lord Zedd " Ouiet, soon me and my love will be together ".

[ On spaceship ]

Ollie " We have to find a way to save her , we can't let amelia be alone ". Zayto " I totally understand you" . Oliver " No you can't, did you ever call anyone love before Zayto ? " Zayto sighs. Izzy " But , I did and I can understand your pain . Zayto do you know anything where amelia could be right now . Zayto " The only place I can think of is ZX - 4 " . Solon " Let us go over there and look for atleast once " Javi " Yes, we definitely should "

[ Riza palace ]

( The robot that they charged with Amelia ' s orb was now glowing and.... It was..... well Rita Repulsa ) Lord Zedd " How much time will it take to revive her " . Scrozzle " Well the orbs work is done ( he hands the orb to Lord Zedd ) but it will take about a few hours to revive her . Boomtower " Master , I request you to give that orb to me , I will defeat rangers in no time. Lord Zedd " Fine , don't break my trust ". ( Monitor beeps .. Intruder.. Intruder) Scrozzle " I think your friends have come to save you little red ranger " Boomtower " Now you will see your friends destruction in front of your eyes "

( In the middle of forest )

Izzy " Do you know exactly where she can be " Zayto " No , I am not sure " ( Boomtower comes with amelia , Amelia's legs are tied and her hands are tied with sleeping cuffs . He had attached Amelia's red orb with his blaster ) Boomtower " Now , your end has come rangers ". ( They start fighting and are not able to keep - up with him, they all were defeated, he was too powerful with the spheres but suddenly a portal opens and an orange ranger appears she was having a special green saber with her ) Orange Ranger " Your end has come boomtower " Boomtower " New flavour of Ice cream, I suppose " ( They start fighting, the new ranger she was very skilled ) Izzy " Who is she ?" Zayto " I , don't know " . Ollie " He is too distracted, it is the perfect time to save amelia " ( He goes up to her and frees her from the cuffs , and they hug ) " Thank goodness , you are ok did they hurt you or anything " asked the blue boy with tensed voice. Amelia " I'm ok but my orb it is with him " ( Everyone reaches to them ) Izzy " Don't worry we will take care of him and get your orbs back " Orange Ranger " May I get a helping hand Izzy ?" Izzy " How does she know me , let's go help her . ( They start fighting and this time with help of orange ranger they defeat Boomtower and get the orbs back , orange ranger hands over the freeze orb to Zayto and the Red orb to Amelia ) Amelia " Thankyou , for this we don't even know you " Orange Ranger " You actually do " ( Amelia makes eye contact with the rangers and they decide to take her to the ship )

[ On spaceship ]

Amelia " Tell us who you are , and how do you know us ?" The orange ranger lifts her helmet and she is ( you probably guessed it) 'Fern' . Izzy screams with excitement and goes and lifts fern in her arms. Izzy " It's you , It's you . Zayto " This is a real suprise " ( everyone was shocked to see her ) Izzy " Tell me you are staying with us isn't it " Fern " Yes , we will stay together " Portal opens Green Morphin Master comes " I knew that fern was the perfect choice for this, her courage is vulnerable " Fern " It wouldn't have been possible, if you didn't give me this saber ( The saber lifts up from her hands and disappears ) Ollie " Thankyou master for always helping us all along. " Javi " Truly , It's been an honour" Green Morphin Master " Ollie , I have a prophecy, the future will ask you for a great sacrifice " Amelia got tensed " Master what is it please tell us " Ollie " Whatever it will be I will be ready " Green Morphin Master leaves " stay safe rangers we will meet soon. Aiyon " I know it is a time to celebrate but what ever master Green said can't be ignored " Ollie " As long as you all are with me , I am safe . But for now let us celebrate Fern 's arival . Amelia steps ahead " On the behalf of the entire team , I welcome you in the team " Solon " Let me make linchen stew so we can celebrate " Fern " Thankyou , but first I need to get my stuff from earth. Izzy " Sure we will do it all ". They all become happy and get to celebrate Fern 's arival.

( At Villains base )

Lord Zedd " Even though Boomtower is defeated, my plan worked , finally we are together " Scrozzle " Yes master ". Rita Repulsa " I am more than happy to see you my hubby, let us together destroy those power ninnies. ( They both laugh evilly).

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