I don't get it...

847 29 79

(Read to the end or skip a quick before reading for an important note please, thank you)

Fyodor was forced to sit with Fumika on the table and spend the rest of the lunch with her

Nikolai stood a second trying to process what's just happening

He knows he's gonna fail to win an argument against Fumika, so he didn't even try trying-

-But that was just stoopid >:(

Fumika kept dragging Fyodor to her trying to seem attractive and cool, and she figured that it will help her make something with him.

"So, what did ya get on the math test? It was suuuper hard, am I right?" - She kept bragging on.

"Uh- I - I got an A.." - Fyodor said obviously not wanting to talk to anyone expect Nikolai, especially not to girls.

"Oh my! You're literally like a god or something- do you wanna study math together in a library?"-

-"Ya' know? Just the two of us" - she gently smirked knowing Nikolai is watching them from behind.

He looked angry and sad.

That's what made Fumika happy.

Fyodor couldn't say no and he needed to react to her non - stop talking somehow.

"Oh, by the way, did you hear...?" - the girl started

"Ah, hear about what?" - he said not so curious

"The rumour... Did you know that Nikolai only lied about his dad's death in the war from Ukraine? He probably still has his dad, he just lied for attention!"

Fyodor stopped walking.

"What the fuck" - he said giving the short girl a death stare.


"Will you quit spreading your fucking ass fake rumours to the school just because you have all the audicity to" - Fyodor said quietly and creeply without no questioning.

"H-huh!? N-no! It's just the school rumour- I-"

Fyodor turned around seeing all the students whispering and then saw Nikolai in the middle of the school hallway, looking very lost and confused, he almost started crying. (Grumpy face agaain >_<)

Fyodor decided to shout out loud to protect his friend.

"He didn't lie!" - the russian yelled

"I was at his house once, I saw, there's nothing to be spilling about!" - he said very confident

Nikolai kept staring at him wide-eyed as the students stoped whispering to each other.

Fyodor hurried and took Nikolais hand and dragged him to their class


Nikolai and Fyodor were walking down the hallway in school just chatting about some stuff and minding their own business.

"Ooh, love birds"

"Are they dating?"

"I think so"

"Aww, look, it's them!"

"Oh, it's the guy protector!"

"It's so sweet of him that he defended him, they're totally in love!"

Fyodor didn't even mind or even hear anything they said, while Nikolai, welp, Nikolai was turning red as a watermelon.

He didn't understand why were people thinking they're dating, is it because he defended him? Oh, no, no, no, no! What am I gonna do now?

The white haired boy was so freaked out and emberassed he didn't know what to do, all the classmates were thinking they were dating!

"Are you okay, i think you catched a cold" - Fyodor said expressionless

"W-what? No, no, no! O- of course im fi-"

Nikolai was cut off again.

(Slay i love saying he's got cut off)

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(Slay i love saying he's got cut off)

Fyodor stopped him from talking by putting his cold hand on his forehead.

Nikolai burned out like he was in hell and bursted out outside if the school

Fyodor started running after him trying zo catch up

"Hey, wait! Where are you going!?"

The taller boy cathed him by the shirt as they were just outside of the school yard.

"Why did you run away, did I do something wrong?"

"No! No, no, 'course not! I just-"

"You can tell me if there's something wrong you know" - he said, once again, expressionless.

Nikolai decided to man up and telled him more about his feelings for him!

(Which totally he didn't know how to and messed it all up)

"Um- I- I think that- we should- uuum- go o-out a little more, because- because- you know, you know! Not in some weird way- i- i just um- i a-admire you!" - Nikolai shouted the last part out loud.

Welp, that was some kind of a confession, i mean- you asked him to go out with you, you told him you admired him, which is some way of saying you love him, what part did you do wrong?

You fell in love with a person that doesn't know what love even is.

"Sure!" - Fyodor said happily totally clueless that Nikolai just told him he loved him, and Nikolai knew that.

Well, that totally was messed up, guess his first attempt was a failure!

Maybe next time...

If he says it more obviously with real "i love you" sentence, maybe it will work...

If only he was brave enough

an: 886 words! This story is written by me, BUT, all the story context credit belonds to Ddamn_shawty who made the whole chapter basically! Thank you so much for your help and since I haven't posted in such a long time it really did help because I was totally unmotivated.

Please follow her and I hope you can help me with some other chapters too! Once again, thanks! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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