Nick Suzuki | MC

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You were on your way home from a long day at work when you noticed this adorable little cat walking up to you. You get down on your knees to look at the cat, then you notice the collar. you see the name 'Milo' on the front. 

"Hello there Milo" as soon as you said his name he looked at you, you smiled. You start to pet Milo. "Where is your owner too?" You ask. But it's a cat, he won't answer your question. You start to try and find a number on the collar but there was none. You continue to pet Milo when you hear someone call out.

"MILO" You look up to see the owner of the cat. He had beautiful black short hair, he had mesmerizing brown eyes that you could drown in and his smile was amazing. You pick up Milo and hand the cat to the owner. He puts the cat on his shoulder then say, "Thank you so much for finding him, I don't know what I would do without this little guys" He laughs then continues, "I'm Nick" He holds his hand out to shake and you gladly accept.

"I'm Y/N" You say. You look at the cat then say, "He's a very sweet little cat" You say petting his head again. Milo turns his head towards you and starts to lick your hand. You start to laugh because it tickles you. 

"He has never been this comfortable with anyone except you and me" He says. You stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds then you hear Nick say "You're so beautiful" He immediately covers his mouth with his hand. All you could do was giggle.  

"You don't look too bad yourself, Nick" You laugh while saying that sentence. 

Nick rubs the back of his head then nervously asks "Can I... Uhm... Can I get your number?" You smile at his question and nod. He gives you his phone and you put your number in. You hand the phone back and he says, "Well I have to get going. But I'll text you later" You nod at his response.

You say "Alright, bye Milo" Then Milo looks at you with his tongue out and you smile. 

"Bye Y/N" Nick say 

You say "Bye Nick" and you both walk opposite ways. You start to smile like crazy. You loved cats but you never decided to get one because it would be too hard to take care of. When you get back to your apartment you hear your phone ding and there was a text.


'Hey, it's Nick from earlier. I was wondering if you were free on Friday? It's okay if you aren't'

'Hey, and yeah I'm free on Friday, why?'

'I was wondering if you wanted to come over, or I can come over to your place'

'Sure. I can come over there, I can't wait'

'Me either, see you then'

'Yeah see you then'

You put your phone down and decide to get something to eat. You couldn't wait for Friday to come.


It was finally Friday and you were driving to the address that Nick gave you. When you get there you find yourself in front of a house, it was a nice white color, with windows, and there was a backyard. You get out of your car and walk up to his door. You lift your hand then 'Knock Knock Knock' You then hear Nick running and you smile trying not to giggle. He opens the door and hugs you.

"Hi, Y/N. Thank god your here" He says

"Why, did you miss me?" You asked giggling.

"Yes, but I need help with Milo. He is so energetic and it's making me tired" You laughed then walked in.

"Milo!" You say slightly shouting. You look up the stairs and see Milo running down. You sit down and start petting Milo so he would calm down. Eventually he calmed down and you picked him up. "He's a sleepy boy" You say giggling, looking at Milo. Then you look at Nick who looked like he was also tired. "Can we watch a movie?" He nods and we go upstairs. We get on his bed and I put my head on is chest. I put on 'Megan' and got comfortable. Milo was curled up in your arms and all you did was pet him. When you looked up at Nick you noticed he was asleep. You smiled and looked back at the movie. You continued to pet Milo, and he loved it. Milo then gets up and you were confused but then remember what you read online. He either is hungry or he has to use the washroom. 

"Milo, are you hungry?" You ask and he jumps off the bed. "I guess you are hungry" You say while getting up. You didn't know where the cat food was, but you were going to find it. You look in the pantry and of course it was there. You grab it and find one of his bowls. Milo was sitting next to you on the counter. You put the cat food in the bowl and push it closer to Milo. "Here you go, Milo" You say smiling, then you hear footsteps upstairs. You guess that Nick woke up and you were right. He walks downstairs in his hoodie and his hair is messed up. You smiled. "Hello, sleepy head" You say while giggling. 

"Hey" he says in a tired tone. "What are you doing down here?"

"Milo was hungry, and I didn't want to wake you up, so I decided to feed Milo myself" You tell him and you see a smile creep onto his face. Milo gets off the counter and walks around your feet. "Looks like this little guy wants me to pet him again" You say giggling and kneeling down.

"Can't we go back upstairs and pet him, I want to continue to watch the movie" You nod and you walk back upstairs. You get comfortable again and see Milo trying to get comfortable with you and Nick. You lay your head on Nick's chest and he starts playing with your hair. 

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" You ask looking at him.

"Of course I do. Here let me prove it" He says while leaning down, then he kisses you right on the lips. It was amazing. You smile while looking at him.

A few weeks later you and Nick are now officially a happy couple, and every week he takes you on at least one date. You couldn't be happier.



The funniest part about this is I made this in school. But I really enjoyed making this

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