Prologue: and they meet for the first time

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Lily sat under the oak tree, leaning back on the bark as she extended her arms above her head in a stretch. Summer days always felt the same. The same sky, sun, heat, the light breeze passing... She wondered if anything will ever break the unending cycle she felt so trapped in day after day. It was not a bad cycle. She kind of liked the feeling of certainty that welcomed her every single day - even embraced it. But sometimes, she yearned for something beyond the horizon, something that felt so close yet so out of reach. Under the shade of the branches, she wondered what it would be like to jump into the warm depths of the ocean. The thought swirled around in her mind and she pondered on it. Truthfully, the girl was afraid. You see, she had the power to step into other people's lives and experience the unfamiliar at any given moment. That is why she came to this park every day. A park, under a tree, where she could be alone and distanced. Seeing others and reading their life situations hurt her heart. Crossing the road alone, she felt all sorts of thoughts and feelings of others screaming at her for help, and she couldn't bear it any longer. Then, lost in her moment of peace, leaves rustled behind the tree trunk and she sprung up from where she was sitting. This was the first time anyone has ever entered this part of the park. Not to mention, the first time that anyone was able to sneak up on her. She had always been able to hear their emotions and thoughts before people even thought of making a step towards her. Yet, here, standing before her eyes was a girl, who looked about the same age as she was, with large brown eyes and jet black hair. She was beautiful. Lily, who realised that she was now standing awkwardly, staring at the girl who had just appeared, whips her head to the side, averting her gaze. Slowly, she felt her cheeks heat up. Thankfully, her long hair hid any embarrassing expression she was making.

"Hello," And instinctively, Lily turns her head back to the unknown girl. 'Unknown girl?' You have got to find out what her name is! As her eyes meet the girl's, Lily immediately regrets her decision. Those light brown eyes are now glittering with hazel green specks, as the sunlight casts upon her features. Suddenly remembering her greeting, and remembering that she needed to respond, Lily startles.

"Hi! I'm Lily. I was just- Who are you? I mean- What's your name? No, wait! If you don't want to tell me, that's okay too! I mean, I- Hi, do you come here often?" As she finishes, Lily slaps herself mentally. Great! Now she's going to think we have a brain connectivity problem or something. Wait, what even is a brain connectivity problem? And hold up, why can't I hear her thoughts at all? She hopes that her face is not betraying her by making some confused, embarrassed expression, but by the other girl's response, she unwillingly accepts her fate. Stupid face. Stupid malfunctioning brain to mouth processing. Surprising her for a second time, Lily feels her small smile, even though the girl had not moved her lips at all. Weird.

"I am Heather. No, I do not come here often. It is my first time walking along this path."
The girl lifts her hand up to Lily. Who still greets with handshakes these days? Lily thinks absentmindedly as she takes Heather's hand. I still can't read her. Why?
And like some sort of reflex, Lily's brain conjures up: "This is really random, and you can totally decline if you don't feel like it, but would you like to go get some coffee?" I want to know more about her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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