4 The road to Hogsmeade

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Professor Weasley was standing at her desk when I ran in, trying not to catch my breath too obviously. I swallowed down the pain of sprinting and made my way to her.

"Ah Della, good you got the message. It's time for you to head down to Hogsmeade for your new wand, and other required items. You've done fairly well this first week with a borrowed wand, but be assured, your own will feel far superior. I'd like you to go tomorrow, so you can practice with it over the weekend and be ready for classes next week."

"Of course, Professor. I'm quite excited. It'll be my first visit to Hogsmeade too."

"Is that so? Hmm, In that case I'd like you to go with someone, a tour guide of sorts who knows the area well. Someone to make sure you get everything you need and don't get lost."

I was hoping she'd ask me who I'd like to go with, a trip to Hogsmeade with Lenora and Poppy would be so much fun.

"I think Mr. Sallow is a good option."

My mouth nearly dropped open. What. Why? Of all people? She continued with her reasoning. "He is quite familiar with Hogsmeade, the surrounding area, and knows many of the shopkeepers quite well. As far as I'm aware, many of them are quite fond of him, so that may be in your favour."

Of course they were all fond of him, it seemed he charmed literally everyone, romantically, platonically and whatever else type of charmed that existed. There goes my plan to forget about him.

"I heard you also got on quite well with him, which works out fine. He'll also keep you out of any trouble, quite the capable young wizard. Speaking of which, giving him a job might keep him out of trouble."

Jeez she could stop complimenting him now, I got it, he's almost utterly perfect. How wonderful.

"I will send him the news, and he will meet you at the castle doors, tomorrow at 10. Does this all sound good to you?"

I spluttered out a "yes, of course." And made my way out after being dismissed. What rotten luck. For the guy I'm trying not to fall for to be spending a whole day with me in Hogsmeade, was not making my predicament easy. I walked back to the common room and gave the news to Poppy and Lenora.

"Merlin's beard. Well look at that twist of fate. Just go with him tomorrow and then forget about him. Easy!" I grimaced at Poppy's advice and climbed into bed. Lenora spoke up.

"Look at the bright side. A whole day with him means he's bound to show something that makes you not like him right? This is the opportunity for you to get rid of those feelings once and for all."

I mumbled an incoherent reply and rolled over. Tomorrow was gonna be... something.


Making my way towards the castle doors was nerve-racking. I'd replayed in my head all the different ways I could spend time with him and be totally neutral. Now to actually do it. I opened the door coming from the hall with the argumentative suits of armour, and stepped down the stairs, noticing him waiting for me. For the love of dragons, be cool. He stood casually, rubbing his hands together, occasionally looking around the room, when he spotted me walking towards him.

"Well, fancy meeting you here." His eyes were light and cheerful and his remark made me grin. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Here I was going for my morning stroll to find you daddling en route. I think fancy seeing you is more accurate." I raised my eyebrow eager to continue the banter. A fun friendship is okay, doesn't need to be anything else. The fact I needed to consciously remind myself of that wasn't promising. He chuckled. "What a crazy coincidence then, Professor Weasley alerted me to the fact I would be guiding a new student. Can't be you then if you're here for a stroll." He nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and dramatically started peering around the room, looking for his other 'new student'. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics and slapped his arm. "Alright, alright, we should get going."

"That we should, my new charge. Is this your first visit to the village?" I nodded. "Right then, I shall endeavor to be the very best of guides. Shall we?" He made a motion to extend his elbow, as if I should link my arm with his, but seemed to think better of it and extended his hand to gesture at the door. I shouldn't overthink it. He was probably just gesturing at the door the whole time. Stop making something out of nothing Della. Desperate to not be awkward, I smiled and we exited the castle. The northern gardens were beautiful, with a glorious fountain at the centre. We made our way down the path in comfortable silence. I was looking at the view in awe. How could it be so wonderful? After a little while, he spoke up.

"I was glad Professor Weasley asked me to join you today." My heart started beating faster. Stop it. I forced myself not to blush, trying my best to look as though his words had not made me feel positively giddy. He continued, unaware of his affect on me. "You're the only person to have bested me in a duel. The way I see it, I should keep my eye on you." Merlin's beard. We were only halfway to hogsmeade and already I felt that I was failing in my personal quest. How was I to spend the entire day with him and not fall completely head over heels? As long as I didnt visibly swoon, maybe it would be okay. "Though I am rather surprised she chose me, given my detention record."

"Spend a lot of time in detention, do you?" Teasing him was fun. I liked the feeling.

"Just enough to keep me well-rounded." He turned to me and winked. "Speaking of detention, this trip saved me from one. I got into another argument with Madam Scribner, you know, the Librarian, and I was supposed to dust the entire left wing this morning. When Professor Weasley told her of the new plans, I'm sure she was furious!" He laughed fully, leaning his head back. I noticed the crinkles around his eyes, and the dimple on his right cheek. The gene pool did create miracles. Before it became too obvious I was staring at him, I replied, "Glad I could be of service. I suppose this means you owe me one." I gave him a cheeky grin. He returned one back. "Alright with me, Miss James, only means I get to spend more time with you. And when you do call it in, you call the shots."

There's no way that wasn't a flirt. Right?!

"You mean you'd be up for anything I say?"

He stared directly into my eyes, smirked slyly, and responded with his voice about an octave lower than usual.


My brain had short-circuited. I found myself whizzing through different scenarios of wild and crazy things I could get him to do for me, when my brain went somewhere uncharted and I stopped myself before turning into a tomato. Unlucky for me, it seemed he knew what I may have been thinking.

"Thinking unholy thoughts there, Miss, James? My deepest apologies for interrupting, but we're here." I turned into a tomato. He eyed me cheekily, holding a smirk, then pointed towards Hogsmeade. I made towards it, hoping to forget what had just happened. The sounds of shopkeepers, villagers and magical item buzzing about the village overwhelmed my ears, while smells of potions and food did the same to my nose. I saw oddly shaped houses and shops, some probably kept together with magic, and felt a calming warm breeze sweep through the main street. It was so cozy. I could definitely come back here. I turned to Sebastian who had been looking at something near me and smiled. "It's wonderful!" He gazed at me cheerfully, and with something in his eyes that I didn't understand, nor paid any mind to, and replied.

"Indeed it is."

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