26: Friend or Foe

Start from the beginning

"Yes someone was in there before her. You know Pansy didn't carry her wand all the time."

Astoria looked at her sister once again, the same question that had been bothering her clouded her mind once again.

"But where were you that night?"

Daphne looked at the girl right before her, her eyes wandered around the area after the question was asked.

"I was with Blaise."

Astoria's head snapped to her sister in disbelief, her hands shivered and her eyes widened. She could feel how her heart dropped in her stomach and her world caved around her.


"What were you two doing?"

"Strolling the corridors," Daphne answered, although her tone sounded uncertain she still answered her sister.

"I'm going now," added the blonde witch before turning her back on her sister. "I think Draco will visit you before he goes back home."

As she left the hospital wing, Astoria cried even more as her mind was telling her that Daphne, her biological sister whom she grew up with might have been the murderer of Pansy Parkinson.

Her heart shattered at the fact that Daphne had killed her sister.

She knew Daphne was lying because Arwen and Blaise were together that night, she caught them in the Astronomy tower but she didn't have the courage to accuse her sister of murder.


The Slytherin common room was no a crime scene and nobody was allowed to approach anyone from the group of friends at the moment, especially Mattheo Riddle.

He had been locking himself in his room, reading the book that he stole from the restricted section with Pansy before.

Although his eyes trailed each words engraved on the pages, he couldn't understand any of them and why they were written in certain ways.

His distraction had taken a toll on him as he realised half the things he had in his drawer were given to him from Pansy.

"Mate," Theo spoke from outside as he knocked on the door lightly. "You have to talk to me."

"Leave," ordered Mattheo. He covered his face with book that he was reading. "I don't want to see anyone."

"It's been three days. You've locked yourself in there for three days!"

Mattheo rolled his eyes in annoyance, removing the book from his face and marched towards the door. He opened it, revealing Theodore with a tray of food in his hand.

Theo let out a heavy sigh when the curl-haired wizard finally opened his door for the first time ever since he locked himself.

He noticed the room was still tidy, as if everything was barely touched by him.

"At least eat something," advised the wizard as he shoved the tray to Mattheo.

He took it without hesitation. "Thanks," he said before closing the door again.

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