Under the Weather • CE Characters

Start from the beginning

Yesterday at the doctor's office which Andy accompanied you to, you both learned you have the flu. And by the way you abruptly sit up, and push aside your comforter, bolting to the master bathroom...

Andy knows you don't just have the flu, you have the stomach flu as well.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he sits up completely too, listening to you retch in the bathroom, he quickly walks the same way you went, and crouches down beside you, holding your hair up.

And his big warm hand on your back, rubbing in circles, gently soothing you.

Once you stop, and you know nothing more is coming out, Andy kisses your shoulder, "you alright?" He whispers.

You guys have been dating for three years, and just last month Andy proposed to you during a trip to Punta Cana with your family. It caught you way off guard, he had everything ready, even spoke to your Dad a month prior.

You accepted of course, and with the blessing of your parents, you moved in with him. Even though you'd always stay over while you were both dating anyway.

"Just flush me down the toilet, Andy," you find the strength to speak, even though your entire body and limbs were trembling, cold shivers running down your spine, and you didn't want anything to do with food or water.

Andy chuckles, grabbing a damp cloth and cleaning your mouth, and under your chin. He's such a good fiancé, he was the best boyfriend so you'll know he's going to be a fantastic husband.

"You'll be better soon, angel," Andy kisses your forehead and looks at you like you were the most brightest star in the galaxy.

Andy carries you back to the bed, after he helped brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. He reaches up in the closet to get the lighter blankets because the other heavy ones were now suffocating you.

Gently laying it over you, you fall asleep again and don't even realize until Andy is coming back with some saltine crackers and some Gatorade.

"Andy..." you croak out as he brings the straw to your mouth, you take a sip, just a little one afraid that it'll just came back up anyway.

"...thank you," you whisper, closing your eyes you were so exhausted. Andy hates seeing you this way.

"Don't thank me," Andy shakes his head, his voice much stronger and louder than yours, "I love you, Y/n. And I always will. Through sickness and through health, right? The universe is just giving me a little pre-exam."

You giggle for the first time this morning, you've felt like shit all night, but Andy still manages to make you smile. How did you get so lucky with your little lawyer nerd? You don't know. But you're so fucking thankful.

"Through sickness and through health," you whisper, repeating what he had said. He lifts your hand and kisses all over it, you weakly reach to cradle his handsome face, slowly rubbing your thumb over his smooth cheek bone.

~ Ransom ~

You blow your nose into the hundreth tissue today, it's been awful these past few days. You've missed your friend's birthday party, another friend's bridal shower, and by the looks of it you're going to miss the big trip to Montana with your boyfriend and your friends.

Ransom digs for the key of your apartment, you gave it to him the same night you asked him to be your boyfriend, yeah, he wasn't going to ask to you ask you.

As far as he was concerned you were his and he was yours. No need to put a label on it. But of course you were the biggest softie, biggest hopeless romantic he's ever met...you just had to make a big deal.

Walking in, it smells very strong, like a methanol odor, he twists his face and shuts the door behind him, coughing he goes to find you, "god, what the hell happened this weekend?"

Your boyfriend walks into your room, which very much smells like Vicks because of the air humidifier you had to help you breathe since your nose was clogged.

"Hello to you too, Hugh," rolling your eyes, at him he watches you pluck out another tissue. Ransom just got back from being on a trip with his whole family, where there was no reception, so you expected him to come in a bit bitter mood, more than the usual anyway.

"We have our trip to Montana in two days, babe, stop being sick." He puts two fingers up to indicate the amount of days left for the trip, which he's very excited for, Ransom likes being with his friends which are just as...unique...as he was.

But all in all, the girlfriends of Ransom's friends have become your sisters, everyone always has a good time. And the Montan trip has been rescheduled fourth time already due to everyone's work schedule. Everyone but Ran, because he doesn't work.

So he'll always free, everyday, all day, "would you hush? I have sinusitis, and my head is going to explode from all the mucus that's clogged in there, go and grab me some more water. I need to take my meds." Your voice is extremely scratchy, and he could hear just how congested you were, he twists his face again.

Ransom is not one for gross things, in another life you think he was a girl, he can't stand animals because they drool and lick and shed. He can't stand snot, coughing, or sneezing, or vomiting or germs in general for that matter. Or bodily fluids, only thing he accepts is what you give him when he gets you all horny and riled up.

God forbid he is sent to live on a farm or go camping, he just couldn't physically do it. He doesn't like the outdoors. Yet, you love him. So unbelievably much.

"It's just sinusitis, Ransom!" You yell as he goes to grab some water, but first he detours to the bathroom as you hear the water run. He aggressively washes his hands, disgusted to even be near sickness and germs. After that you didn't hear him at all, getting you a cup of water turned into an hour. You thought he had left. Until he came back with a cup of...something.

Coughing you try to clear your lungs so you could speak, "thought you left," you say softly, and disappointedly, you really thought he just didn't care and left you there to drown in your own snot.

"Course not, babe, was down the hall at Glenda's, she said to drink this and you should be like a new person tomorrow morning." He hands you the steaming cup of a purple liquid. Miss Glenda is your 80 year old neighbor who is a firm believer in old wives tales.

"She said it might be hot, but you have to chug it, so it can slaughter all the bacteria from your body with the heat from...whatever the fuck this is," he says when you look at him funny, "her words not mine."

You chug it down, and Ran puts the tea cup on your nightstand, he watches you, a bit disappointed that he couldn't get any good to see you sex since he got back from his horrible trip with his family.

"Do you love me Ransom?" The beverage is working, you can feel it in your lungs and in your throat, he nods, sighing.

"I suppose," he acts nonchalant on the outside but inside, he'd do anything for you. Even go camping for you, that's how much he loved you. And he absolutely despises camping.

"Can I have a kiss then?" You pout and reach for his hand, he immediately shakes his head. You lean closer and he leans back. The only time he refuses to kiss you. Nope. Sorry! He can't.

This makes you laugh, as he starts getting up from the bed, you do too, "KISS ME!" You demand, "I'm all better. I swear." You were in fact not all better, just a bit, you breathe in through your nose and Ransom gags at hearing exactly how much mucus was in there.

Of course you weren't going to actually kiss him, not unless you wanted him to get sick too.

He covers his mouth, scared you would actually try and steal a kiss from him.

Ransom runs off away from you and you chase him throughout your apartment...

"Hugh, give me those lips!"

a/n: another request completed ✔️ for another beautiful reader! 🌈💕 all other requests are being worked on little by little, I appreciate everyone's patience! 😍✨

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