Chapter 27

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As the hot July weather was burning down on them the four made their way hiking through the mountains. One of the good things about this assignment was that they had enormous trees giving them shade from the sun, but that wasn't the case at the moment. Lifting his hand up to block the sun from his eyes, Bakugo squinted his eyes while looking up. They had already been walking for a few hours with no flag in sight.

Grunting Mina wiped her sweaty forehead Looking to her side at a sluggish looking Uraraka who had her mouth open. "I swear Mr. Aizawa did this on purpose."

Too tired to even smile at the moment Uraraka was pretty sure she looked like a walking zombie. "I doubt Mr. Aizawa would go through all that trouble Mina."

"You sure about that? I mean come on!" Mina whined looking at the two boys in front of them "Hey are we there y-"

"NO!" They both turned to look at her.

She just giggled looking at Uraraka who just playfully rolled her eyes.

"Ok fine! But let's at least play a little game while we are walking up this giant mountain to make time go faster!"

"No." Bakugo says not even turning around while checking his watch.

Sticking her tongue out Mina just smiles at the others "Fine since Mr. Cranky pants doesn't want to play, I guess it'll just be us three!"

Grinning Kirishima just looks over his shoulder "Depends on the game."

Lifting a finger to her cheek Mina grins while thinking of what to play. "Hmm let's see...oh ok how about this, we each get to ask someone a question when it's your turn and they have to answer. But if you decide that you don't want to answer the question for any reason then you HAVE to do something we want."

"Oh, ok so kind of like truth or dare." Kirishima grins

"Kind of but we can only ask 3 questions per person and 1 question at a time." She smirks.

Looking next to him Kirishima lifts an eyebrow "Hey bro how bout it?"

"Hard pass."

"Oh, come on man it sounds like fun!" He nudges Bakugo still grinning "We can ask ANY questions we want...."

"No shitty hair I'm not playing that stupid ass game. I got better things to do like focus on the mission."

Face palming himself Kirishima just looks back at the girls. "Alright. So how do we decide who goes first?"

"Well, we could always play rock, paper, scissors?" Uraraka smiles. They agreed and Kirishima won so he got to go first.

"Umm...ok...hmm let me think.... oh, ok if you got to travel anywhere in the world where would you go? "He asked Mina.

She just looked at him bored. "Really? That's your question?" Uraraka had to hold in her laugh watching Minas' face.

"Eh? Why what did you want me to ask?" Kirishima asks scratching his head.

Sighing Mina just shrugged "Nothing. Alright so I guess I'd want to go somewhere that has plenty of Hawaii."

"Nice!" Kirishima smiled.

"Ok my turn!" Smirking, she innocently looks at Uraraka. "Uraraka babe, are there any boys in our school that you think are hot?"

Widening her eyes at her friend Uraraka simply stares at her for a minute while feeling her cheeks warm up.

"Ohhh nice one." Kirishima says letting out a small chuckle while occasionally looking next to him and watching for any reaction from the blond.

"Wha-What?" Placing her hands on her cheek trying to hide the blush.

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