❀ Chapter 38 ❀

Start from the beginning

William pulls Edmund and me aside at the end of the line as Lady Snow and Edmund's mother converse with Lady Saville. "My mother would like you to join the receiving line tonight if you are willing." I nod and Edmund also agrees. "But first we need to speak in my office, Fred is waiting. Would you like Lady Snow or your mother to accompany us or perhaps someone else?"

Edmund and I both agree that Lady Snow would be best since we are not keeping secrets from her. She readily agrees to join us in William's office. James comes to say hello and after an enthusiastic welcome, he escorts his mother into the ball.

As soon as we get into William's office I see a very remorseful Fred coming right for me. He grabs both my hands and kisses over one of them. "Miss Cavendish. I have longed to see you so I could sincerely apologize to you. Edmund has told me that you overheard my conversation in his foyer with Bradford and I am devastated to have caused you pain." 

Edmund had already warned me that he told Fred and William that I know about the wager and that knowing of it pained me greatly. He did not, however, tell them that I tried to break the engagement or that I ran away.

I give Fred a tentative smile, "Thank you for your apology. Do not make yourself uneasy."

Fred shakes his head, "No, do not be so gentle with me. I must bear most of the blame for the whole debacle as it was my idea from the start. It was impetuous and juvenile of me and I own to you that I will be a better man in the future. You are the loveliest, kindest of ladies and I regret with my whole heart that we were critical of you at one moment in your life. I am determined to rein in my immature judgmental side and become someone who I could look up to. Please say you forgive me for not only my thoughtless actions but my words as well."

My smile is more steady now, "Of course I forgive you, Mr. Atbury. Let us forget it ever happened." He thanks me and bows to me again. I can see he is truly contrite.

William steps up next, he takes one of my hands and looks me right in the eyes, "Elizabeth, let me please apologize for my part in our unthinkable game, as well. Although I wasn't directly involved, I did nothing to discourage it and I did talk with them about the wager that evening. I need you to know that I fully regret any part I played in hurting you. I have grown quite attached to you, as a dear friend. To think I had been complicit in a plan that caused you pain is mortifying to me. And although the nature of the wager would seem that we were unimpressed by you, I can honestly say that I felt quite the opposite when I left the ball that night. You intrigued all of us. Will you please accept my wholehearted apology?"

I can genuinely give a smile to William, he has always been kind to me. I remember our dance that first night. He brought me punch and we had a riveting conversation. He was always my champion, taking me to the opera, helping me with archery. I never felt judged by him. 

"Of course, it is all forgotten. I will not dwell on our difficult beginnings and rely on your account that you no longer think of me as you did when we first met."

William returns my big smile, "Elizabeth, you have never been anything but engaging and fun. I have always looked forward to seeing you." He leans in conspiratorially even though everyone can hear him. "If you were not already so perfect matched in your engagement, I think I would make a plan to steal you from Edmund and keep you for myself."

Everyone but Edmund laughs at this. My fiancé harrumphs a bit and puts his hand on my waist and pulls me away from William to his side. This makes everyone laugh more. I cannot help but ask, "You think us well-matched then?"

Fred speaks up, "How can we not when you are the first girl to ever hold his interest?"

I narrow my eyes slightly and purse my lips, trying to ascertain if this is the truth or if Edmund's friends are championing his cause. William looks at me with surprise, "You doubt this? You think he has had regard for someone before?"

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