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×Dovey POV×
I ran into the meeting quite late as I was helping a dear ever with homework. I apologise and sit next to the new teacher, I believe she is called Lady Lesso? She has gorgeous ginger hair that seems pretty soft and curly. I would love to feel it.. I feel so attracted towards her but yet, I only just met her! Love at first sight? Possibly... I refrain myself from touching it as I don't know if she is comfortable with that or not.

×The meeting is over×

I rush out first so that I can hold the door for everyone, especially the newbie. She was the very last out, walking sluggishly behind the schoolmaster. She seemed upset... I wonder why???

I walked with her to see if I could talk to her. She seemed to notice me and quickly look down at the ground. "Hey, Your name is Lesso, am I correct..?" "...Y-yeah why?" "May I be your friend then?" She paused for a moment, looking up with confusion written across her porcelain face. "R-Really? You want to be my friend?" I nod in response. "Of course I do!" She looks puzzled but there is a tint of happiness in her facial expression. "My name is Professor Dovey, but you can call me Clarissa"

God she's so adorable

It's time to go to my dear evers and teach them about how to smile like a true princess.

×Lesso POV×
I was flustered when the blonde woman came up to me trying to be friendly and asking me to be her friend. I like her name though, "Clarissa.." I love the way that it rolls off of my tongue.

I now have to go meet these stinking rats that they call "nevers". I wonder why..? I hate walking in this school already and it's only my second day here. So many steps... Too many steps... I feel so..-

Evil Can Love Afterall... (Dovesso)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora