Thirty-Five: Abyss

Start from the beginning

"Guard?" one addressed him. Oslac hovered by his shoulder, inches away from his light orb, which he held behind his back. 

"The king sent me to relieve you of your duties. He said we shall try and get answers from the prisoner again tomorrow," Dìl Dìon lied to his colleagues with ease.

The two guards, without an ounce of suspicion or doubt set down their bloody tools upon a wooden table and without a word, exited the cell. They walked past Dìl Dìon and headed straight out of the dungeon. Oslac watched their every step, his mouth agape. 

Why did they listen to Dìl Dìon so readily? This all seemed far too easy.

"H-help..." Ethan managed to strain out through laboured breaths. He was stripped to the waist with his hands chained to the cold, stone wall behind him. A streak of dried blood stained his face from a gash on his forehead and deep crimson stripes decorated his chest. The gashes oozed with blood that dripped down to his navel.

"Ethan, don't worry, I'm here!" Oslac said without thinking - Ethan, of course, couldn't hear him. The Prince shook his head, irritated at himself, he then reached out and touched Dìl Díon's light orb. As soon as Oslac's skin made contact to the light, the guard looked right at him and smiled. 

"There you are," he said, then tapped the cell bars with the orb as soon as Oslac drew his hand away again.

"Ethan…" The sorry sight of the tortured man clawed at Oslac's eyes.

"Guard Dìl Dìon, unchain him," Oslac commanded. The guard hesitated, looking over his shoulder, but Oslac was not going to let him refuse his order. "Unchain him, now!"

Dìl Dìon opened the cell door, Oslac followed him inside and watched him release Ethan from his cruel bondage, then guide him to a seat. The suffering man sat with a hunched back, his arms shook and his breath escaped in uncomfortable bursts. 

"Go and get Claudia!" the Prince barked out another order.

"But…" Dìl Dìon began, but was quickly cut off by the determined royal.

"I don't care what it takes Dìl Dìon! Make it happen!" He dismissed him with a wave of his hand and watched him leave the cell. As soon as Dìl Dìon reached the top of the stairs and exited the dungeon, Oslac felt a coldness sweep over him; the magic that protected him left with the guard's light orb.

Once the two of them were alone, Ethan lifted his heavy head to look at Oslac.

"Help her…" he whimpered.

"What? Beanni?" A seething anger rose from Oslac's core. "I knew it, Dìl Dìon tricked me. He lied to me! If the guards have laid one finger on her!"

Ethan shook his head, his response made Oslac's ranting come to a sudden, confused stop.

"No..." Ethan struggled to get his words out. "She g-got away... a-at the f-forest."

"She did? How?"

"Th-the moon…" Ethan's answer failed to satisfy Oslac's confused mind, however he let him carry on. "P-Prince, you must go to her..." he panted with urgency. "As soon as you can." He reached out his hand to grab Oslac's arm, his face twitching with the effort. "She needs you!"

 "She needs you!"

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