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"Ashstar!" Bloomstar raced around the other StarClan cats to find her littermate. "Ashstar! Where are you?" She finally bumped into a cat and saw that it was Ashstar.

"Bloomstar? What is it?" Ashstar asked, confused about why Bloomstar was acting so worried.

"Did you see the volcano? I think your clan is in danger!" She said, pacing back and forth. Even though it wasn't her clan, she couldn't just leave them to die. "You need to send a sign to your medicine cat. It's the only way they can get a warning and get out of there!"

"Where are they supposed to go? There's no other place than their camp that would be safer." Ashstar retorted, irritably flicking his tail.

"The camp is right in the path of where the lava would go, the cave would flood with the lava before they even had the time to evacuate!"

"They can take care of themselves! AshClan doesn't need any help from us. They are independent and self-reliable. We are not going to send a sign." he growled threateningly. "And why do you care? Mind about your own clan and leave me to deal with mine." Ashstar snapped, and walked away, leaving Bloomstar to wonder if there was anything she could do to save AshClan. She looked down on AshClan territory and her eyes widened in panic as she saw the top of the volcano already erupting flames.

Erupting FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now