Chapter 3

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Jayden POV

I finally made it home. I parked in the garage, turned
off the car and got out. I open the garage door and
walked in the house taking in the vanilla scent.

It's mad quiet in this bitch. " MOM! YOU HERE ?"

No response.

I walked straight into the kitchen, setting my
backpack on the counter and headed to the
refrigerator. Before opening it, I notice a bright pink
sticky note attached to it.

hey babes. working overtime, won't be back until
tomorrow afternoon. dinner is in here. Love you lots
jayjay - Moms

Moms worked in a hospital so I was used to having
the house to myself for the most part. That was until
that lame ass nigga Jeremiah was living here. But
he not here anymore so he's not a problem. I sent a
quick text to remind her to change the locks just in

I took the note down and stuffed it in my pocket. For
Some reason I always felt the need to save notes or
little writings my mother made. Sometimes that'l be
all you have left.

I opened the fridge and my mouth instantly watered.
Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, greens, and
white rice. Yea, we eating good tonight fellas. I
settled on a snack for now though. I grabbed some
hot fries and a bottled water heading to my room.

Once I made it to my room I closed the door with my
foot and tossed the chips and water on the bed. I
kicked my shoes off and immediately stripped down
to my boxers getting ready for a shower.
I never really got comfortable enough or had the
confidence to wear panties. I tried once but I felt
SO weird in them. Weird to the point I actually had a
whole breakdown. I felt like a freak. Like what boy is
born with a vagina. I never met anyone intersex, so I
felt alone and still do.

40 minutes later..

I walked out the steaming, hot bathroom and threw
my clothes to the side. I threw on a new pair of
boxers and a large t-shirt. I plopped down on my bed
and grabbed my phone off the dresser. After scrolling
through instagram for about 20 minutes, I turned on
the TV and went to netflix. I settled on watching
Stranger Things. l opened my hot fries and began
eating them, drinking my water every now and then.

I felt my eyes get heavy. I folded my chips up and got
comfortable under the covers. Darkness soon took

3 hours later..

I woke up to a dark room with a dim light from the
netflix screen reading " Are you still watching ? ". I
moved my hand lazily looking for my phone, coming
in-contact with it. 8:42.

I rubbed my eyesa bit and got up turning my light on.

Damn. Now what?

I then remembered the note I was handed by Amiri
earlier in the school parking lot for his party. Should I
even go? What if it's another humiliation I'm walking
into ? Does he even remember who I am ? Maybe this
is just another attempt to embarrass me?l started
panicking on the inside. Fuck it. I have nothing better
to do anyway. But where in the fuck did I put the note? Shit, I left it in my car

I hurried to get it and came back in my room. I
decided texting him just to confirm it was still on and
the time.

uhh hi. i just wanted to make sure the party was stilI

I waited nervously for his text. He texted not even a
minute back.

Unsaved Number: who in the fuck is this?

I started to type but the 3 bubbles popped up again
indicating he was texting so I waited.

Unsaved Number : ohhh, you bro from earlier in the
parking lot? shit my fault, hell yea party still on.
starts at 10. be here. im expecting you.

I simply liked the message. Since I already took a
shower earlier I just got dressed.

I wore some black joggers with my black off white
jacket. I threw my black beanie on. I put my black
adidas socks on and topped it off with some black
air-forces. I brushed my teeth and put some cologne
on. I checked my phone and it was almost 10. Might
as well kill some time. I unpaused where I was on
stranger things.

It was now exactly 11, shit I'm late. I called an uber
cause fuck driving. I'l be damned if someone fucks
my car up. I headed ut the door.

l arrived in 20 minutes. Damn, he never moved

Some people were crowded outside laughing and
drinking. I squeezed passed them and immediately
got hit with the smell of alcohol and weed.

It was more crowded in here than outside that's
for sure. I didn't see Amiri. Not that I was really
searching for him, so I just made my way to the
kitchen and sat at one of the stools. I didn't dare to
drink the " fruit punch ", no telling what's in there.

A little commotion made it's way in here. I pulled my
phone out to make myself look less lonely.

"You know that's technically rape right?" Said one of the guys talking

" Not if I'm consenting to it." Said the other person

"Fazan. He's 19. You're 17. By law, that is statutory rape."

"It's only a few months of age gap." This guy is
clearly not the brightest. I hear the other one let Out a
frustrated sigh.

"Ouu he's cute. Whats your name ?" I then popped
my head up and the two were staring right at me.

"Uhh, Jayden."

"Hmm. You eat pussy?". Chapters were torn out of
the book, huh. I was at a loss for words. The shorter kind of
brown-skin smacked him upside his side. Whispering
something in his ear, and then turning his attention
towards me.

"Excuse the blunt-ness. The name is Steven. Most
call me tana or babysantana of course. "Oh we're
gonna get along just fine." This is Fazan, who's not
smarter than a fifth grader.

I sent a small smile anda wave.

" I've never seen you before. You're new ?" Steven asked.

Yea, somewhat."

" We should be friends. I like your energy. Chill. Speak
when spoken to. ", he hands me his phone. I take it
and put my number in. I save my name under 'Jaydes "
and handed his phone back.

" Wanna see my ouija board ?", he says with a wide
smile showing his teeth. I would be lying if I said no.
Before I could respond an arm sneaks around my

"You know how David feels about that Steven. Would be
a shame if he found out huh ?". His husky but minty
breath made me feel a way I never felt. I avoided eye
contact knowing exactly who it is.

"Nobody likes a snitch hefty", Fazan said with an
eyeroll. Steven gave Amiri a death glare and walked
away with his arms crossed, Fazan following behind
waving bye to me.

"They something else. I'm glad you came though bro,
I've been looking for you. " I felt his eyes burning in
the side of my face.

"I didn't see you when I first walked in so l just
came in here. What's so special about waiting for
me anyvway ?", I said still avoiding eye contact. He
grabbed my chin softly making me look at him.

" A lot.", he licked over his lips. My nervous ass let out
a shaky breath feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"You tryna go upstairs to my room ? I won't try
nothing. "

uhh y- yea. s-sure." Did he seriously forget about
me? The only thing that changed was my hair color. How could you just forget your childhood
bestfriend whose life you basically ruined before it

I thought about Amiri every single day. Hoping he
will send me a text apologizing. Or even come to my
house and explain himself although his actions were

He took my hand in his and led me to his bedroom
upstairs. Lord give me strength.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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