Chapter 1

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Jayden POV


"Do sum bout it lil homie. I'll lay yo skinny, weak ass flat out, in front of yo mama."

Im currently arguing with my mom's boyfriend. All this
started when he thought he could put his hands on
my momma and walk free. I must've broke my damn
neck hearing that loud smack.

" Baby, just calm down please. " my mom says with
pleading eyes.

" Man, you gonna let this nigga put his hands on you
like that. " I say pointing to him but still looking at her.
It made me disappointed with her.

Ever since my dad left to work on himself and his problems before being a real family, its just been me and my mom.
Not until she got this bum, jacked up ass boyfriend
who be treating her like she a street hoe. My mom has always stood her ground when it came to men,
but it seems she just broke down and lost that all
ever since this nigga came.

He aggressively pushed my finger down and stepped
closer to me." This aint got nothing to do with
you. Go back upstairs, lock your door, plug in your
earphones and let me tap this ass. " He thens grabs
my moms ass smirking, and she jerked away from
him getting closer to me standing by my side. She
then holds on to my arm.

I start clenching my fists, and flare my nostrils trying
my best to not knock this nigga loose. I step even
closer to the point where l can feel the air coming out
his nose.

I quietly whisper. " Say that again, I ain't hear you clear

" Jaydes... baby. Just let it - "

I cut my mom off giving her a side look.
" No mama. Say it again"

" I'm finna give yo mom a little lesson. So go up-"

I quickly cut him off hitting him with a right then left
hook. He swings and miss from me ducking then
uppercutting him, he falls on the floor. My mom
Screams for me to stop but nah fuck allat. I get on top
and start punching him out and don't stop until I see
blood. My mom grabs me and pushes me back lightly.I looked at my knuckles which was now bleeding and
bright red. I chuckled at it and then looked at him on
the floor. Just laying there looking dumb.

"Get the fuck out my momma house. Don't come
back neither. "
I started up the stairs but stopped mid-way noticing
my mom wasn't downstairs with us anymore. The
fuck did she go ? I soon hear movement upstairs. I
went to the top and by the time I got there she comes
walking towards the stairs with a handful of clothes
and bags.
I moved out the way following her down the steps
just in case. She opens the door and throws his
clothes on the curb. I watch her from the door.

I look over at him once i hear him cough. I walked
to the couch and sat down still looking at him. He
slowly sits up wincing in pain. He touches his jaw and
mumbles a cuss word. Talking all that shit but can't
take a punch. I smell all bark but no bite.

My mom comes back in standing by the door. She
lights a match and stands there smiling, staring at
" You can go. Or I will happily throw this match on you
and your clothes.

He gets up dusting himself off, looking at me but
doesn't say a word. He makes his way to the door,
looking at mom. He goes in for a hug but she backs
away. Raising her eyebrow, looking at the lit match
then him. He sucks his teeth, nods his head and goes
out the door. She slams it and blows out the match.

She makes her way to the kitchen, lights a blunt and
start smoking.
"Too damn early for this shit ", she says making me
chuckle a little. She throws me an cold vegetable
pack in which i catch with my free one. I placed it
softly on my bruised knuckles.

We heard banging on the door. My eyes darted to the

"l got it baby. " My mom lets out a frustrated sigh and
speed-walks to the door swinging it open. I roll my
eyes seeing who it was and dramatically fall in the

" Jeremiah.... why are you still here ?", my mom
says rubbing her forehead with the blunt between her

"That ain't all my clothes. Give me the rest of my stuff.

" Muthafucka you ain't getting those clothes. I bought
that shit, I aint letting it go to waste like

See there we go. Thats the momma i miss right there,
thats MY momma.

" You can leave. Get the fuck off my property
something you don't know about. I wish you luck..

She blows smokes in his face, slams the door and
locks it. She walks towards the stairs but hesitates. I
titled my head to the side a little.

" You okay momma ?"

She looks back at me and smiles.
" Thank you baby. I can't believe | let that nigga hit
me. Dick wasn't even that good to be honest - "

" MOM ", l yelled trying to make her stop. She a

" Boy shut the hell up, soon you'll be getting dick
down. He had them weak ass strokes. But ill be in
my room if you need me", she
heads up the stairs walking to her room.

My mom knew I was gay and had no problem with it.
She actually laughed in my face when I told her, and
said "I knew yo ass was a fruit cup with a extra cherry

I never got the chance to grow up with actual friends
and enjoy my teenage years like most. I was always
criticized and bullied for the suspicion of me being
gay and due to mne being a quiet kid.

Im walking into my last year of high-school tomorrow
finally, ive been homeschooled since 8th grade.
Me being a senior now, it should be easy. I dont like
people anyway, so it should go by fast. Im just hoping
I dont gotta knock a nigga back or put someone in
they place. I have a short-temper and no patience

Senior year.... here I come.

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