Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Targaryen Blood Runs Thick

"I do not live for the intricacies of relationships, Laenor." I rolled my eyes at my younger sibling as he began pestering me about betrothals.

"And what do you live for dear sister?" I smirked.

"Being the Heir of Driftmark, Lady of the Tides, Daughter of the Sea Snake, shall I continue?" Laenor sighed.

"There is more to life than mere politics and titles, like battle for instance?" I turned my head towards him swiftly, what exactly was his play? He for one minute wanted me to get married and the next he wanted me to somehow convince father I belonged in battle.

"I still don't quite understand you brother."

"You don't have to, the ship leaves for King's Landing at dawn, it is the celebration of the King's first born son's name day. We must all attend including you, since you are the Heir to Driftmark you will certainly have to attend these proceedings far more often than not." I rolled my eyes again.

"Yes, when the day comes that father can no longer fulfil his duty to the Realm on the small council I will gladly take his place but until then, father is very well and capable."

"So you will not be attending Prince Aegon's name day?"

"No, I will, but not for the reasons I must." I muttered, hoping Laenor only heard the first half of that bold sentence.

"Then I think you should consider speaking to father about becoming the 'Master of Ships' when we are on King's Landing." I laughed, I laughed so hard the wine I drank at 15 almost came spewing out my nose.

"What do I have to lay claim to a title such as that? Father is the Master of Ships, he commands our legions." I explained but Laenor shook his head.

"Show your intent to take over once father can no longer serve, prove yourself in some way Aelora, you could be the first Lady Commander of an entire fleet of Velaryon ships, the battles, the trade, you could control it all."

"And what if that is not my intent." Laenor faced me, his soft eyes speaking volumes but what they were speaking, I was not sure of.

"I can see it in your eyes sister, you yearn for it, do not think me blind, I see you on Meleys with mother, watching the Kingsguard enter Driftmark, even now as a woman you still watch. It's time to stop watching." I wish Laenor was wrong, I wish I could shut him up with an excuse or two but the sad succumbing truth was that he was right. It is one of the things I yearned for most.

"I shall think on it."

Laenor took my answer as a win and exited my chambers, 15 years old and he's still a pain in my arse but did I love him dearly, he only wanted what was best for me. I did not know how to tell my father of all my wants, there was a certain standard an Heir must meet especially as a woman, a Lady Commander was not heard of, it would not even had come up if it were not for my special interests in training.

I decided to not linger on anything that was not promised for the time and began making my descent down the steps to the ships where mother was certainly waiting impatiently for my arrival. As I exited my prediction was made true when my eyes landed on my angry mother but the way mother showed anger was not through words but through a simple stare. Father called it 'the stare that could sink many ships', I laughed at the memory which was not smart as I approached the ship.

"You think tardiness is funny my love?" mother asked sarcastically, I tried finding the words to come back with but came up with nothing. I really did not need to add more fire to the ember.

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