"And since you're still locked up, I imagine you refused."

"This is madness Alyssa. Rhaenyra is the heir-designate. The first born of Viserys."

Alyssa sits down in an armchair. "You know very well that means nothing, cousin. You are the only child of King Jahearys' firstborn. Did the nobles choose you for the high council? No. They preferred Viserys, a man."

"You betray your own blood, my child..."

"Aegon is my blood. Aemond is my blood. Heleana is my blood. And most of all..." She places her hand on her stomach. "..my child is my blood."

Rhaenys huffs before sitting down in the chair next to hers. "Cousin. I know that your greatest fear is losing the Laena daughters. But we can solve this problem without bloodshed and without risking their lives. If you are on our side, we also want them with us"

"You and I know that the second Rhaenyra and Daemon learn of Aegon's coronation...they'll start a war. And then I can't see myself betraying them."

"After everything they did to you?"

"What do you mean ?"

"Daemon took your daughter away from you, took her to a place where the maesters were fools who did nothing to save her. As for Rhaenyra...if there was one who lied to you ..." She hands her the parchment.

"What is this?" asks Rhaenys taking it gently

"For years, I've always had a bad feeling about what happened at Driftmark, after Laena's funeral." Rhaenys looks at her puzzled. "So I sent someone to investigate my doubts and...they were well founded. Rhaenyra has been lying to you and Lord Corlys for years."

"About what?"

"Laenor was not assassinated that day...in truth, he is still very much alive."

Rhaenys jumps to her feet. "What are you talking about!?"

"The truth cousin. The one my sister and my uncle have always hidden from you."

"My son is dead, I saw his body."

"Did you? The body was completely burned and unrecognizable as far as I know."

Rhaenys begins to read the parchment. After a moment she said "So Ser Qarl didn't killed him?"

"No. And Ser Qarl is by his side, in Essos..."

"How can I be sure you're not lying to me?"

"Telling you that I'm nothing like my sister would be useless. So I asked for a trusted man to go to Essos and bring your son back."

"What does this brings to you?"

"On a personal side, I am reuniting my cousin with her son. On a more political side...if Laenor is alive, then Rhaenyra and Daemon's marriage is illegal...and all of Rhaenyra's children are bastards."

"Jacearys, Lucearys and Joffrey are..."

"Bastards and you know it very well." She blows. "Listen, I have nothing against my nephews. They are children and they are not responsible for their birth or their mother's crimes. They're also my blood."

"Do you think they'll let them live?"

"I am going to have a child, my sister and brother have two children. The line of succession is established after Aegon and me. No one will worry about the children of Rhaenyra, let alone after they have been legally recognized bastards."

Rhaenys goes to sit on the windowsill. "Even though your plan seems okay, I still have a bad feeling."

"I understand. But take the time to think about it." Alyssa stands up and walks over to her. "But if you choose to give us your allegiance, I would like to have you by my side cousin."

"By your side?"

"Aegon wants us to be crowned at the same level, he wants us to rule together. And I'll need my own Hand, to advise me. I can't think of anyone more qualified than you cousin."

"The Hand of the Queen?"

"Yes. That'll piss off the old croutons of the council." They both laughs.

"You've grown so much, my dear. You don't look like that little girl that used to walk along the walls anymore."

"I had to grow up. I have a family to protect now."
"This child is already lucky, he will have a real dragon mother."
"I hope I'll be a good mother."
"There is no doubt. Look at everything you do for the sole purpose of protecting him. You convinced Aegon to become King and you investigated to find my son. I will be your enemy...I will be afraid ." She smiles tenderly at her cousin.


On the way to her chambers, Alyssa meets the Lord Confessor, Larys Strong.
He bows when he sees her appear. "My queen."
"Lord Strong, it's been a long time since I've seen you."
"Indeed my queen, but it's still a pleasure."
"What business brings you?"
"I wanted first of all to congratulate you on your imminent coronation and also to offer you my services."
"Your services?"
"Yes, as I have told you in the past, my sole purpose is to protect the crown and those who wear it."
"And what do you suggest?"
"I can, for example, ensure that no one is a threat to your child and his future reign."
"If you have the wherewithal to protect him from Rhaenyra and Daemon, I'm all ears."He laughs strangely
"No, unfortunately, I can only do a little against them. But I can rid you of another threat."
"I didn't know we had another threat, Lord Strong."
"It's a quiet threat. But one that could taint your reign and that of your child."
"And what is it?" she says, intrigued
"Your husband's children. Well...his bastards."Alyssa is shocked.
"I regret to shock you with this information. But you are aware that for years, before marrying you, his majesty roamed the houses of pleasure. And of course, his visits led to ... accidents. "Alyssa remains silent."I hope I didn't shock you with the news of your husband's deviations."
"It was I who encouraged him to visit those places Lord Varys. So you don't shock me about that."
"That's not common."
"But I confess...to have omitted the idea that...that he might have..."
"How could you have thought of that your Grace?"
"How old are they?" she says staring at the wall to avoid his look.
"The oldest is 6 years old, the youngest 3 years old."
"Okay..." Alyssa breathes inwardly. Although she trusts Aegon, knowing that the last one was born before their marriage reassures her."Would you like me to take care of this problem, your Grace?"
"What do you mean?"
"I can ensure that no 'accident' of the king's youth gets in the way of your child's reign."
She turns her head to him, shocked. "You want to eliminate them!?"
"In other therms, yes."
"They are children! Lord Strong! Innocent children."
"Who bear the king's blood."
"There is no way I have the blood of these children on my hands."
"Nobody has to know and nobody will accuse you."
"No! I pushed Aegon into these visits, I'm just as responsible for their existence." She huffs and leans lightly against the wall.

"Let nothing be done to them. If I learn that something bad has happened outside, you will pay for it."
"Of course, your highness." he bows "I'd better leave you. I've taken enough of your time." 

She nods and he leaves. Once he's gone, Alyssa sticks her back to the wall.

"Danger doesn't just come from outside" she thinks to herself

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