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Aegon enters their bedroom,holding his wife in his arms.

"It's okay, I'm here."He says, putting her on the bed.
"It's too soon Aegon. She's not ready to be born."
He put his hand on her cheek."Breathe, you'll be fine."
She huffed, trying to calm a new wave of pain.
The maester enters very quickly followed by ser Harrold and asks to examine her. Aegon didn't let go of her hand.

Few minutes later, the Queen storms into the bedroom, followed by Ser Criston and her father, the Hand.

"Is it labour? It's too soon!"

"Mother..." Alyssa wimps

The queen climbs onto the bed and took her hand. "I'm here." She smiles at her. "Maester, tell us."
The Maester stands up. "It's not labour my Queen, not yet."

"What is it then? She's in great pain!" asks Aegon

"Sometimes it happens that future mothers have false contractions before the arrival of the child. They are painful but nothing happens."

"How is it possible?" asks the Hand

"The fatigue, stress, tension,... All of this creates a kind of signal that asks the mother to slow down."
"I've been lying down for minutes and nothing seems to calm down."

He laugh "It takes longer than that princess."
"How long?"Aegon asks, still worried.
"The best thing is for the princess to stay in bed as much as possible, for a at least a few days but the best would be until the child comes."
"What noooo!" Alyssa says straightening up.

"If you want to avoid those pains and maybe an early delivery, that's the only way, princess. Even if your baby looks very big, he's not ready."

"Thanks for reminding me that I'm fat..." she says pouting. Aegon laughs and kisses her forehead "You're gorgeous, my love."
"In the meantime, take this princess, it will help calm the contractions for tonight." He hands her a vial which she takes and opens."I imagine it's unlikely to taste like lemon."
"Sorry princess..."
She shrugs and drinks it before grimacing. "Really not lemon..."
"I'll come see you tomorrow, to see how you're doing. Until then, rest up."


The maester takes his leave.

The Queen turns to her. "You scared me my sweet."
"Me too, I have to admit, mother."
"You need to rest now. It's been a pretty exhausting and stressful day for you. Between what happened at the trial and dinner."
"And her visit to the King." completes Aegon.
"Aegon!" Alyssa scolds him.
"A visit to the King? When?" Asks their mother.
Alyssa huffs, "After dinner, he asked for me."
"And...for what reason?" asks the Hand, puzzled.
"He wanted...I thought he wanted to make amends...but he actually wanted to make sure I supported Rhaenyra, once he was gone..."
"WHAT!?" screems Aegon suddenly getting up.
"Aegon, calm down." the Queen says.
"I can't calm down mother...See what he dares to ask her! After all he has done. Was it too much to just apologize on his deathbed? Noooo, he has to talk about his precious Rhaenyra!"
"Don't worry...I knew how to answer him my way."
"It still makes me want to smash the other half of his face."
"Be careful my prince. If people hears you, you could be convict of treason." says the Hand
"I do not care."
"Well, I care! I fully intend for my child to have a father, so come sit down and calm down."

He ends up coming to sits next to her. Poutting like child.

"He's a dying old man. He can't do anything to us anymore and he knows it. He tries desperate ways and realizes that it doesn't work. Don't fall into this trap, you would make him too happy. And Rhaenyra and Daemon too."

"The princess is right. You have to be patient. Tomorrow, Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon will leave the capital and you just have to avoid the king...if he ever gets out of bed."

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