Christmas Day

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"Look Jay" I said as I shuffled over to him and on to his knee "It's a popit but shaped like a unicorn" I showed him.

"That's very cool" he commented as I continued to show him how the toy worked "don't you wanna open some of your bigger presents?" He asked, noticing that I had been fully distracted by the purple fidget toy.

"Oh yeah" I exclaimed making everyone laugh. The purple stocking filler was soon put to one side as I opened my presents under the tree. I got a case for all my Nintendo switch games and some new games to go in it. I also got some LOL dolls, a water changing barbie, two new board games, lots of play dough and craft things as well as some clothes from Hailey.

"Why's this one in different wrapping paper?" I asked as I grabbed the seconds to last box left to unwrap.

"That one's from Adam" Jay said "apparently he's certain you'll like it but he wouldn't tell me what it is" he admitted as I began to tear the paper from the large box.

"Oh my god" Hailey smirked as the picture on the front of the box came in to view.

"It's a drum kit!" I exclaimed as I ripped the remaining paper away.

"Of course it is" Jay sighed with a slight smile.

"And it's purple" I pointed out excitedly.

"Fantastic" Will said sarcastically.

"You'll have to say thank you when you see him later" Hailey said and I nodded in agreement.

"I'll have a few things to say to him later as well" Jay mumbled.

"And look, you've still got one left" Hailey said as she pointed to the long rectangular box leaning against the wall by the tree.

"Let me help you it's kinda heavy" Will said as he lifted the present and laid it on the floor in front of me.

"I wonder what it could be" Jay said as everyone watched on.

"A SCOOTER! I GOT A SCOOTER!" I screeched making everyone laugh at my loud reaction.

"It's almost as if Santa knew you've been nagging for one all year" Will commented as I jumped in to his arms and gave him a massive bear hug before doing the same to Jay.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" I exclaimed Das I jumped up and down energetically "You're the best big brothers in the whole wide world" I added making them both laugh.

It was then time for everyone else to open their Christmas presents.

"This one's from Gracie to Will" Hailey read out as she handed Will the present.

"Wait!" I insisted as I ran over to grab Jays from under the tree and handed it to him "you need to open them at the same time because they're the same thing" I explained.

I watched eagerly as both of my brothers carefully unwrapped the box Hailey had wrapped up for me.

"Do you like it?" I asked excitedly "Hailey took me to make them myself" I explained and both of my brothers smiled as they inspected the hand painted mugs I had made for them.

"I love it Gracie" Will assured as I squished myself in between both of them.

"It's perfect" Jay replied "just what I needed" he added making me smile proudly.

We spent the rest of the morning watching a muppets Christmas carol whilst I played with all of my new toys. Jay put together my new scooter and left it by the door so I could take it with me to Kims house later.

At around one o'clock everybody got dressed and I was extremely excited about wearing my brand new pink sequin dress that Hailey bought for me. My hair was still slightly curled from the night before so Hailey put it up in to half up half down pigtails for me.

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