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I shuffled through the tall, dead grass, trying my best to follow the dirt path that would lead me to the old raggedy school house that me and my older sister, Genevieve were enrolled into.

"Gen! Wait up!.."
I could hear a muffled giggle ahead.
"Hurry up, slow poke! We have to get to class before 7:00, remember?" Emphasizing the before.

"Hurry up, slow poke! We have to get to class before 7:00, remember?" Emphasizing the before

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Every step I took, my neatly laced black boots would get caught in the quick sand like mud. Occasionally I'd trip on the little grey pebbles that organized the path to be straight, creasing my shoes.
It was not very lady like to look untidy, especially when in school. As soon as a director saw you, you would be immediately chastised and sent back home.
That is how it was in my home town. And just about everywhere else in London.

I must admit, even though I didn't like all of the unnecessary rules, the inexplicable amount of chastisement, or the uncomfortable and dainty clothing.. I missed it all. Truly.
I can remember the very day where it all changed.


Swarms of children scurried out of the cramped school house as they heard the rusty bell being rang by a teacher.
Camilla quickly packed her few things, and walked out of the door. She could spot her older sister in the distance, laughing and chuckling with her best friends, Franny and Charlotte.
Camilla was not so worried about getting lost.
The school house was only about 30 minutes from their gorgeous apartment home in the city. Camilla skipped along the dirt path, entering back into the tall grasses that she had gone through a few hours before, when she was arriving to the school house earlier that morning.
She analyzed her surroundings. There were many wooden buildings,and bustling streets in Camilla's City, but she liked to admire nature more than man-made characteristics.

Trees hovered over the young girl's head, leaves could be seen falling left and right, the wind blowing it's gentle, yet firm breathe, giving Camilla a pleasing feeling.
Tiny red ladybugs flew and buzzed around in the trees, occasionally stopping to rest in the green berry bushes. Some days when Camilla and her sister would walk to and back from school, Camilla could imagine how those berries tasted.


But the land She lived in was not only filled with retched berries. Many days during the sister's walks to school, Camilla would see a family of deer. It was always the same ones. She made sure to keep her distance, as not to spook the mother and her child, and not to anger the buck.
Although, Camilla would always have to halt her sister, Genevieve, from walking further.

Every day Camilla pondered why Genevieve never followed the orders regarding preserving the life of the innocent creatures.
One day, she finally found out why.

She was the only one who could see living things.

                    END OF PART 2

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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