Road trip?

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Number1Author: Why did our plan fail?

Snow: Because no matter what Good will win

Number1Author : That's kinda ironic coming from a girl who's daughter is the dark one.

Snow : I know Emma will be good again no matter what.

StarlaDragon: Yea probably because you cursed all her darkness onto me!

Charming : We are still very sorry about our defense we thought you were a dragon baby

StarlaDragon: And that's supposed to make it better?

Charming: it was

Snow: Look Lily. We are sorry we didn't know what would happen. We were caught up in fear and did something horrible that we regret 100%

StarlaDragon: I might forgive you just give me some time.

Snow : Take all the time you need

EmmaIsSaviour : Hey Lily do you want to get out of town for a while?

StarlaDragon : Then we can't get back in...

EmmaIsSaviour : We can just use the Snow Queen's scroll.

StarlaDragon :???

EmmaIsSaviour : It's the way Regina and I came back after we found you and Robin.

StarlaDragon : Well then let's go on a road trip!

YourMajesty : Can I come?

EmmaIsSaviour : Sure

Snow: can I come?

EmmaIsSaviour : No your my mom...

Snow : :(

DragonFire : Can I come?

StarlaDragon: Not this time but next time it'll just be me and you :*

DragonFire : It's a plan!

Number1Author: Um how did my conversation turn into road trip plans.

EmmaIsSaviour : IDK but Isaac you have to change your name

Number1Author: Why?!?

EmmaIsSaviour : Because your the Number 2 author.

Number1Author has changed his name to Number1herohater

EmmaIsSaviour : Jokes on you I'm no longer a hero.

Number1herohater has changed is name to Unemployed

EmmaIsSaviour : There you go.

Unemployed: Huff

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