A Haunted House Story

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Original Story

The room that I sleep in at my house I believe is extremely haunted. When we moved in to the house, it was in really bad condition. Homeless people stayed there, it was dirty and things were broken. The room that I sleep in is a medium sized room that my mom uses for her business. Before she started using it, I slept there everyday and when my grandparents come over to visit, they sleep there too. You can say that it's a multi-purpose room. Whenever I stay in that room either to watch tv, videos, or record, I feel a presence watching me. Now i'm going to tell you some of the experiences that happened in that room and also in the house. One day, I was in that room watching tv. I started hearing footsteps in the kitchen. I had started to notice that it was not just the room, it was the entire house. I paused the tv and listened. I couldn't hear anything anymore and so I thought that it was just me being paranoid because of the fact that I didn't like being home alone. I also heard the sound of a music box winding up and starting to play. I could hear a baby giggling somewhere in the room too. I went and took a shower. When I was in the bathroom, I could hear someone call my name from the kitchen. I knew that my parents were not home yet because they usually called me before they came. Also, I didn't hear the door open. I hurried and finished showering and hung out in my sister's room until they came back. I only told my sister about this but she just thought I was playing. Keep in mind that all this happened in the span of a few minutes. I'm telling you guys this story before I know that the Hmong community is very big on this stuff and so am I.

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