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CHAPTER SONG - Elephant by Tame Impala

When Bachira dared him to explore the old checkpoint an hour away from his house during their sleepover, he wasn't expecting him to just dump his ass off and then dip with Raichi.

What he expected was for Bachira to at least explore the place with him! But noooo, all he said was that Raichi and him would be back within two hours to either pick him up or collect whatever was left of him.

So here he was, standing right outside the abandoned checkpoint with the walls that protect his home towering above him just a few miles away. Now that he looked at it, the walls always seemed so small from far away but up close they out-scale even the tallest buildings in the city.

He can't believe that the only thing between him and the Outlands is nothing, the checkpoint was shutdown ages ago after all. The story will differ between people, but most conclude that the outer wall was breached by an old world building giving into the test of time and creatures from the Outlands took the opportunity to strike. The theory is only proven by the few old world buildings old workers of the checkpoint used to talk about so often. But what does he know, he was 6 when the checkpoint closed and his mom doesn't like talking of the time she was a record keeper there.

Taking his first few steps toward the checkpoint, the draining realization of what Isagi's doing finally dawns upon him.

Him, Isagi Yoichi, who has never even gotten a red card in soccer before is going to explore a possibly dangerous place all on his own.

He shouldn't have gave into Bachira.

It's been 17 minutes since Isagi entered the checkpoint and he has zero idea where he is.

Some might think that the checkpoint wouldn't be that difficult to navigate, after all it's literally just a building in a straight line that connects with the wall that leads outside!

But holy fucking shit are they wrong.

It's not just a straight line, there's multiple different doors that lead to different parts of the building just in the entrance area! There's doors that lead to bathrooms that aren't even labeled correctly, doors that straight up lead to nowhere, doors that have stairways behind them that lead to a wall and some that lead to and upstairs. The building doesn't even look tall enough for a second floor!

His mom would complain to him while making dinner when he was little about the building being a maze, but he didn't think it was real. Supposedly it's built this was to confuse any monsters or outlanders that happen to sneak in. Something about them not having good directional instincts, he doesn't know it's just what his history teacher likes to say.

Don't get him started on how dirty the place is, because the amount of times he's tripped on something or encountered a dead bird can equally sum up his thought quite easily.

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