Chapter 5

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Celeste opened her eyes and bit back a groan as the pain soared through her veins, "Just a minute, Angelos Mou." She watched as Silas got up from the chair and came over to the bed. After he helped her take the pain pill he felt her forehead and smiled gently as he put the cup back on the nightstand. "No fever, Doc will be pleased to hear that."

"Good then I can leave," she said softly.

"Not yet," he shook his head, "you still aren't well enough."

"I don't want to be here Silas Korba," she glared. "I want to go home."

"How about a compromise then?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" she asked him suspiciously.

"If you are so adamant about going home, then what if a couple of us come stay with you while you heal?" He asked. "Just listen please?" he asked holding up his hands when he saw she was about to protest. "It won't be all of us, maybe just two or three, well four since we know you have that thing about odd numbers. You can be home where you want to be and Doc will be able to make sure you are healing properly."

"I can't be here Silas," she shook her head. "I can't."

"Why, Angelos Mou?" he asked gently. "What went wrong with us? What happened?"

She sighed and closed her eyes, "I already told you...numerous times. It's not my fault none of you listen no matter how I say it."

"We weren't home because we were working to provide for our family, Babe," Brandon tried to explain as he came into the room. "I don't understand, you said you understood why we were working so much but then you would complain that we were never home. Can't you see you were being a hypocrite? You can't have it both ways Babe, we have to work to pay for this house and land and make sure you both have everything you need, that means we can't be home all the time like you wanted."

"Once again not hearing me," she murmured as she laid back down. She cleared her throat, "Well it doesn't matter anymore, we are no longer together so just please leave me alone, I'm getting a headache. The sooner I can make myself better, the sooner I can get Fae and be out of your way."

"Okay Angelos Mou," Silas nodded. "We'll come check on you in a bit, please consider what I suggested though." She didn't respond and once she heard the door shut, she sighed heavily. She couldn't stay here, it was too painful. She needed to go home. Tears slipped free and before she could stop it, she ended up silently crying herself to sleep.

Celeste slowly opened her eyes and sighed when she realized she was still in the mansion. Carefully getting out of the bed, she went to the bathroom then slipped out of the room. She was feeling well enough to go search for her daughter and since it was dark, she hoped that meant everyone was already in bed. She didn't look at the clock so she had no idea just how late it was but going off the silence she hoped they were all sleeping already.

Seeing her daughter fast asleep on the couch in the living room, she smiled softly, covered her up with her Monster High blanket then kissed her forehead. Having a lot on her mind, she decided to head to the gardens in hopes that the cool night air would help sort through them.

Slipping out the back door, she took in a deep breath of the night air, relishing the freshness it sent through her body. Sitting on the bench surrounded by various flowers, she looked up at the night sky and smiled softly at the fireflies that blinked around her.

"Penny for your thoughts, Doll?" A few moments later, the familiar scent of storms surrounded her.

"Hello Axel," she whispered while still looking at the night sky.

"What's on your mind, Doll?" he asked gently. "You always came out here when something was bothering you." After a few moments of silence he sighed, "You can still talk to me Celeste, I'll remain unbiased as always."

"Not always," she said sadly. "I tried talking to you and yet you didn't hear me any of those times. I'm not a broken record, Axel, I won't keep repeating myself. I can't."

He nodded, "I apologize for not listening to you before." He got up and knelt before her. He intertwined their fingers then kissed them, while looking into her eyes. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before like you needed me, us, to be. But I'm willing to try now if you let me. I'm willing to listen and to hear you now, Celeste."

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