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It is the year of 1997, The Cobain family are at home for the day. It is the evening, 4PM read the clock.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Frances called as she ran over to the couch. Where Kurt Cobain is currently laying on.

His depression has been coaxing through him every minute of everyday. He attempted to take his own life back in 1994, but failed to do so. Throughout the years of '94-'96 he has been going through rehabilitations to help with his addiction.

He is now clean off of the heavy inducing drug of heroin.

His blue eyes slowly look towards his happy daughter. He started to smile once she entered the living room.

Meanwhile Courtney is taking a shower upstairs.

"What?" Kurt asks in a gentle rasped voice. Eyeing his daughter with happiness. She is the light of his days.

"Get up!" Frances whined. Grabbing at her father's thinned wrist. "You be sleeping 'dere all day!"

Kurt started to laugh. "Sleeping..? Did I fall asleep?" He asks his daughter. She nodded her little head. "Yes!"

The father of Frances slowly pushed himself up and off the couch. "Mmm, I'm up." Kurt grunted softly with a chuckle.

Frances giggled. "Let's go!" She beamed happily as she started to tug Kurt to the kitchen.

"What we doin'?" Kurt asks tiredly. Following his daughter to the kitchen.
"Sit!" Frances commanded, pointing to the chair.

Kurt held back a laugh as he did as told. "Bean, what?" He asks again, curious on what his daughter wants.
Sitting now on one of the kitchen chairs.

Frances snickered as she skipped herself to the kitchen counter. Picking up a box and then coming back to the table.

She placed the box onto the table. This box is Courtney's makeup kit. Bean started to laugh as she opened it.

"Can I put makeup on you? Please, dad! Please!" Frances asked as she looked at her father's face.

"Oh, I don't know..." Kurt trailed off.  Frances gave her father 'puppy' eyes. "Pleaseeee."

Kurt ruffled his daughters hair as he gave in. "Oh, alrighty Bean." He replied. Making Frances smile and squeal happily.

Frances proceeded to grab an eyeshadow palette and some bright red lipstick.

"You'll be pretty." She whispered as she takes the lipsticks cap off. Holding the bright bold cherry red lipstick.

"Pucker up, buttercup!" Frances joked as she stood slightly on her tippy toes. Kurt laughed softly before puckering his lips.

Frances started to messily apply the red lipstick onto her father's lips. Kurt held back his laughter.

"Now we gon' add some sparkles! Bring out your eyes!" Frances says as she placed the lipstick down. She forgot to fully shut it, so the lid once it was placed on there smooshed a bit of the product.

Yet the two didn't notice.

Frances picked up the eyeshadow palette. Opening the little case as she eyed the colors.

"Daddy? Which one do you think?" She asks, holding the eyeshadow palette  up to her father.

Kurt furrowed his dirty blonde eyebrows as he looked at the colors. "Hmm, whatever you think is best, sweetheart."

"Otay! Then I choose..." Frances placed her finger into the bright blue eyeshadow. "This one!" She says.

Kurt started to laugh. "Sweetie, you know there's brushes in the box right..?" He asks. Frances shrugged. "Oh well! Now shhhh! Let the artist do what she wants!"

"Close those eyes." Frances says as she  used her finger to dig up some eyeshadow powder.

Kurt closed his already tired eyelids. Remaining still as he felt Frances starting to apply the bright blue sparkly eyeshadow to his eyelids.

Accidentally, Frances poked her father's eye. Kurt winced as he opened his eyes.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Frances, panicked. Her face full of worry as she watched her father blink his sudden watery eyes.

"No, no..it's alright Frances." Kurt reassured but Frances was on the verge of tears.

This confused the father. Why would Frances be so overwhelmed by something so small?

"Honey, mistakes happen. You didn't hurt daddy." Kurt reassured again. Placing a hand onto her shoulder.

"I didn't..?" Frances whimpered.

"No, sweetheart. You didn't." Kurt replied, softly.

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