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hi my name Percy Jackson and this is the story about how I defended modern and old Greece just because a really annoying god in my head and my dad





Percy pov

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz  Perce get up grover whispered while kicking my chair yeah yeah I'm up I muttered dude we're in class your going to get detention he said

 not with Mr Bruner  he has  only ever given Nancy and her friends detention yeah that's true he responded something to say to the class Mr underwood Mr bruner suddenly said from next to us no sir he quickly said in response

ok but do try stay awake in class Mr Jackson now back to the subject who are the first 2 beings in Greek mythology Mr Jackson geia and Uranus I replied confident I had the right answer but to my surprise I was wrong I had never been wrong about Greek mythology and we were near the end of the school year

Mr bruner replied no a common assumption I am not surprised for any of you to believe the first beings was actually a prota beings named chaos and order we will be learning about them in the next few days then we'll move on to the next beings their children the primordials including geia  Uranus end

 and pontus now where was I ah yes the prota at the start there was nothing then all the sudden there was 2 beings that just were there all the sudden  nobody knows how long it took for them to do anything as time didn't exist yet it could have been seconds or billions of years but eventually they created 

geia who created Uranus then order started to get bored and evil and created Tartarus chaos not wanting to be out done by him then created pontus this was the start of a chain reaction that made order hate him for making something more powerful and eventually that hatred took him over to the dark side which is why he became the god of evil now this unbalanced the universe and so to balance out the universe chaos had to take on the domain of all things good in the

universe but the sudden power influx made them both fall in to a coma most likely saving the whole world

what about Chronus and fate I asked well i don't know when they came to be they probably formed when geia was created as she was the first being too need time and fate he said sounding almost annoyed about not knowing for sure I really wish I could tell you for sure but it is impossible to know child

excuse me but isn't chronus  the youngest son of geia my friend Gregor asked from the back Gregor was a school weirdo like me and Grover and nobody picked on after he almost killed the bully in his last school getting kicked out for it which was surprising as he was skinny as hell now back to my story yes and no I said Chronus with a h after the c was the primordial of time while Cronus with no h is the titan of time

very good Mr Jackson extra credit will be given to you Mr bruner said sounding almost proud which confused me why would he be proud of me whatever I probably imagined it I thought

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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