Choose Me ⚠️

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"Finally," you mutter as you get in the car.

"Watch the attitude," he says sharply. 

"Sorry." You turn and face the window, watching outside as the sidewalk races by. When you finally make it to the diner, you're starving.

C/n is already waiting in a booth by the time you and Tommy get there. He stands up and shakes Tommy's hand, giving you a warm smile.

"Sorry we're late," Tommy says, flashing c/n a charming smile. "This one took about two hours getting ready."

"Excuse me? You were the one that was late! I was sitting in the living room waiting for you!" you exclaim, in disbelief that he would lie like that.

"I think you're remembering things wrong, babe," Tommy says, his smile becoming forced. The two of you slide into one side of the booth, c/n facing you. "Now let's order. I'm starving."

The waitress comes over shortly, notepad and pen in hand. "What can I get you all?" she asks.

"Can I please get a burger and fries?" c/n asks.

The waitress nods, scribbling in her notepad. "And for you, sir?" she asks Tommy.

"I'll take the same thing." Tommy looks over at you. "And she'll take the kale salad."

Your mouth drops open. "No, I'd like the burger and fries as well," you tell the waitress.

Tommy grabs your wrist under the table and squeezes, a warning. "You said you wanted to lose weight, didn't you, y/n? You should get the salad."

"I never said..." You trail off, then sigh. "I'll get the salad," you tell the waitress.

She nods and walks off with the order. You can feel c/n's eyes burning a hole in your face, but you ignore him.

"A burger and fries has a lot of carbs and fat," Tommy tells you. "Those are bad for you."

"Then why are you getting them?" you shoot back. Deep down, you know that you are the perfect weight, but Tommy's words are giving you insecurities.

"Because I don't look like you," he says, laughing.

"Excuse me?" c/n cuts in. "What did you just say to her?"

"C/n, leave it," you say. "He's only joking."

"Yeah," Tommy agrees, flashing that charming grin once more. "It's all in good fun. Y/n's perfect." He wraps an arm around your shoulders and tugs you into his side.

Soon, the waitress comes back with your guys' food. Tommy thanks her with a wink. "Have I seen you around before?" he asks her.

"I don't think so," she replies.

"I must have. I'd never forget a face like yours," he says with another wink.

You curl into yourself a little, shoulders caving inwards. How could he so blatantly flirt with another woman in front of you? Again, you feel c/n staring at you. You avoid his gaze.

The conversation turns to school. You zone out as c/n and Tommy talk about their respective math teachers. Tommy's words haunt your mind. Because I don't look like you, he had said. You swallow, trying to fight the tears that rise, unbidden, to your eyes.

"Y/n, what's your math teacher like?" Tommy asks you, nudging his shoulder into yours. Then he laughs. "You know what math is, right? Like, 1+1 and stuff?"

You can't take it anymore. You bend over your kale salad to hide the tears streaming down your cheeks. Tommy isn't usually all lovey dovey to you, but he's never been this mean. Does this have something to do with c/n's presence?

There is silence, and then c/n says, "You're a dick, Tommy. You don't deserve y/n. You don't even come close to deserving her. She's beautiful, and smart, and she's also something you know nothing about: kind."

Tommy shrugs, still smiling. "You think she's beautiful until you see her wearing blue," he says jokingly.

C/n explodes. He slams his fist down on the table, making all the plates jump. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out some crumpled bills, and tosses them onto the table. "Come on, y/n. We're leaving."

You sit, frozen. Do you go with c/n? But how could you, when your boyfriend is sitting right next to you?

"Come on," c/n repeats, standing by the booth and glaring daggers at Tommy. 

You don't move. You meet Tommy's eyes, and see the threat written plainly inside of them. "I..." You trail off, unsure.

"Don't you dare go with him," Tommy warns you. "Or I'll-"

Suddenly, c/n is leaning over the table. His fingers slams into Tommy's chest. "You won't do anything," he spits. "You won't be able to come within ten feet of her without me knowing. And if you do, you'll regret it."

C/n's gaze turns back to you. "Come with me, y/n." And then he says something that finally jars you into motion. "Choose me."

"Choose you?" you ask, sliding towards the edge of the booth. "C/n, are you saying...?"

"Yes," he confirms. "Choose me. Be with me. I've loved you for so long, y/n. And I should have told you sooner." He grimaces. "I should have told you the moment I broke up with my girlfriend."

Despite the situation, you smile. Joy rises up inside of you like a hot air balloon. Making a decision, you grab c/n's hand and step out of the booth.

You give Tommy a glance over your shoulder. "Good riddance," you say harshly. And then you and c/n have walked out of the diner, leaving Tommy alone with his thoughts.

The moment you step outside, you burst into tears. C/n folds you into his arms, holding you tightly. You press your cheek into his chest, feeling warm and safe for the first time in forever. He places a hand on your hair, pressing your face further against him.

"Shh," he soothes. "It'll be okay. You never have to speak to him again."

Finally, you've controlled your emotions enough that you can speak. "Thank you, c/n. Thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me. I'll always look out for you, y/n." His voice grows hard. "And if that idiot ever tries to contact you again, let me know."

"I will." You close your eyes, entranced by the earthy smell of c/n's cologne. You could stay wrapped in his arms forever. 

But unfortunately, you two pull away from each other. C/n smiles down at you, and you're hit by just how beautiful that smile is.

"Come on," he says, sliding his hand into yours. "Let's go get burgers somewhere else."

You happily agree, and the two of you walk off, hand-in-hand.

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