Chapter 1

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    Since you've graduated from college, you've been desperately looking for a job. A temporary one though. One so you can get on your feet and stop burdening your parents.
   On a stormy night, you were sitting in your room scrolling on instagram. Suddenly, and ad appeared. It was about a job. Your towns doctor needed an assistant. Being desperate, you click on the ad. You were happy to know that you had successfully applied, and that you were having your first ever interview. Feeling proud, you got ready for bed and prepared  everything for your interview the next day.
    You woke up at 5 am the next morning and got up instantly. You got dressed, brushed your teeth, had breakfast and whatever nonsense you needed to do that morning. After all that, you check the time. "7 am already? Time flies by so fast.." You mumbled before rushing out the door. (Not giving your mama a kiss, disrespectful ass..)
    Suddenly, You arrive at the destination. You see the building and rush inside. You look for the office, walking slowly through the halls, you notice a door at the end of the hallway. Noticing the sign that read "Doctors office.", you walked inside eagerly. You saw a man with a huge mask on, who was in the corner of the room looking through a bookshelf with his back turned to you. Guessing he was the doctor, you greeted him. "Good morning, sir." You say in a confident voice. As he turned around, all of your confidence flew away. "Ah yes, good morning dear. Sit down, make yourself comfortable." He said in a warm tone. After sitting down, he continues "My name is Dottore. How about you?" He said. "My name's Y/N. I'm happy to finally meet you, sir."You say shakily. Dottore looks at you confused but then smiles, "Oh, how impolite of me, I'll take off my mask." He says while taking off his mask, revealing his vicious red eyes and the scars on his face. Your face turns slightly red. "Holy shit..he's exactly my type.." You say in your head. "No worries sir! Let's continue with the interview!" You say optimistically pretending like you didn't have a thought of railing this man right here right now. After a few hours, you finish the interview. Dottore stands up and shakes your hand. "Your great, Y/N. You're hired." He says. I smile warmly. "Thank you. We'll see each other Monday. Good day." You reply.
    After the interview, you go home and jump up from happiness. You lay down and smile. "I'm so great.." You say. "I'll finally be able to afford my own place after a few months! I'll move out and be independent! Then I can quit this temporary job and be able to become a phsyco therapist!" If  only you knew what was coming. An obsession. A mystery. A place where the questions far outweigh the answers. Only the universe knows what's coming. But an eery feeling is eating your stomach alive, it's making you regret something. Even though your happy, you feel bad about the place. But you'll discover it soon.

                       The dark truth is near

Stay tuned. The end.

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