The Favourite Uncle(s)

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All the WAG's of the ICT decided to meet the boys in Mumbai, with their kids Ritika was adamant that they all stay at Vi and Anushka's farmhouse because of not spending enough time with Vamika. Vamika was enjoying all the attention and gifts she was being showered with but she missed her Dada, her Dada was with her for a long time but he left and Mama and her only saw him on TV. 

The boys were super excited to be back home and they were all looking forward to play with Vamu. Dev kept bouncing in the seat next to Vi and looked out the window of their tour bus every five minutes, Rah who was annoyed at being forced to sit behind them with Siraj kicked Dev's seat from behind and said, 

"Can you stop?!? We'll reach in another 15 minutes Padikkal."

"Oh bug off Rahuliyaa, you're just jelly I sat with Bhaiyaa before you could!"

"You insolent little-" Rah was cut off by Virat before he could finish,

"Don't start both of you! Devu stop provoking him and Rah, come on yaar, baccha hei ye, chod na, I've sat by your side in the tour bus for years before this."

But how do the other kids remain quiet when it comes to sharing their bhaiyaas, Siraj started complaining, "Par aapto iske saath hi saara time spend karte ho matlab hamara koi value hi nahi! It's not fair Virat bhaiyaa!"

And the hooligans continued moaning and screaming at the unfairness of it all and everything proceeded to descend into pure chaos when Yuzi made a comment,

"Yaar chahe kuch bhi hojaye, Vami ka favourite tho me hi hu!" That was it. Even the senior members of the team started arguing while Dev just sat back in his seat satisfied at the shit he stirred up in the bus, while Virat couldn't even get a single word out in his defense because of all the accusations being flung at him from everywhere, finally, FINALLY, AB took pity on the overwhelmed Vi and said, 

"Enough!! Listen everybody here knows, I'm Vami's god father which makes me the favourite. So settle down you lot!"

"Now you listen here! I've known Cheeku the longest which automatically means his daughter is my god daughter. I'm her Bade Papa, you can't be the god father that's not how it works."

Virat finally snapped and said, "Jeez! None of you are Vamu's godparents and Devu you're grounded for the foreseeable future and don't think Nushkie will let you off. Kane is Vami's godfather,I've known him longer than I've known any of you and yes Jaddu even you, I met him when I was 16 and gosh even Smudge didn't fight this much when he found out, he sulked for a bit but he understood, Joe sulking and ignoring the three of us for weeks together is understandable, we don't play much in England and he doesn't play T20s either so he doesn't get to see us much, do what you want of that information, but good gods this is why I didn't want any of you as her godfathers." Watching their crestfallen faces, he calmed down a little and placatingly said, "That doesn't mean you can't be her uncles. I'm sure Vami loves each of you in her own way okay? When we get home you can all ask her yourself." 

The driver was relieved to see the road leading upto the farmhouse because the madhouse behind him needed to leave and he was all too happy to help the boys take their stuff out and  screeched out the driveway before anybody could blink. The front door banged open and the kids raced out screaming some variations of "Dada!" , Dev and the other kids on the other hand made a mad lunge for the front door, shoving and pushing each other screeching when someone would skid all in a hurry to reach little Viratee. Vi, AB, Dale ran after them screaming at them to slow down or they'd get hurt, and the rest of the team ran inside holding their kids as well not wanting to miss out on the action. What happened next was enough to put a lot of people in a sada hua mood for the rest of their stay in Mumbai.

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