***************Timeskip because idk how to write them playing the game******************

"Okay okay you win!" Marcy was a blushing mess.

You ate the last of the pocky stick still sticking out of your mouth. You'd been at this for half an hour, and Marcy had lost most of the rounds, mainly because her brain kept malfunctioning.

"Alright fine we can stop playing. How about we watch something?" You suggested.

Marcy nodded. "Sure. You can pick this time."
You looked at her with wide eyes. "You never let me pick."
"Yeah, well, there's a first for everything I guess..."
"Okay," You turned on the TV and opened Netflix. "How about She-ra?"
"What's She-ra?" Marcy asked.

You gasped as if you were offended. "You've NEVER watched She-ra?"
"Nope." Marcy said, popping the 'p'.
"You haven't even heard of it?"

"I don't think so..."

"Wow, have you been living under a rock or something?"

"No..." Marcy said. "But now I really wanna watch it."
"I'm gonna go grab the popcorn," You got up from your seat. "But you get comfy, because we're going to spend the next six hours watching season 1."
"How did you know that it takes that long?" Marcy questioned.

"Because I'm smart, okay?"

Marcy sent you a glare.

You sighed. "I timed it when I binged watched it."
"I thought so." Marcy smirked, happy with the response.

*************Time skip to when they were done watching it**************

You and Marcy were now eating popcorn as you finished the season.

"That was SO GOOD." Marcy said, her mouth full of popcorn.

"I know right?"
"The TENSION between Catra and Adora during that dance scene, the characters, the season finale's fight, I think I just found my new favorite show."
"That's exactly how I felt when I first watched it!" You said excitedly. "Also, there's like, six lesbians in this show. And a couple bisexuals."

"THERE IS?! This show just keeps getting better and better." Marcy said, stars practically dancing in her eyes.
You nodded. "I agree. It's just a masterpiece."

"What's even the time?" Marcy asked, getting up from the couch and looking at the clock on the wall.

"WHAT?" You asked, scared for a second.

"IT'S 11PM!"

"Well, I told you it would take us six hours."
"Oh yeah." Marcy said. "I'll go get changed into my Pj's. You should too."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going."

You both got changed, brushed your teeth and went into Marcy's room.

"So, uh..." Marcy began, blushing a bit.

"What is it?"
"C-can you cuddle with me...?"

You smiled. "Of course, sweetheart."
You slipped under the covers of her bed, an wrapped your arms around her once again.

She buried her head in the crook of your neck.

You stroked her hair.

"Hey, I have kind of a weird request." Marcy said suddenly. "Can you sing for me?"
"Okay, but I'm not the best at singing..."
"Are you kidding? You sound like an angel when you sing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
You let out a quiet chuckle. "Thanks Mars. What song?"
"Line without a hook, lesbian cover please."

"Of course you'd want that."
"Hey! Don't judge my music taste."

Singing she's a, she's a lady~

And I am not a boy

Singing she's a, she's a lady~
And I am just a line without,

Oh baby I am a wreck when I'm without you,

I need you here to stay~

Broke all my bones that day I fooouuund you,

Crying at the lake

Was is something I said

to make you, feel like you're a burden?
Oh, and if I could take it all back I swear that I'd,

pull you from~"

You looked down to see that Marcy had fallen asleep.

"She must have been pretty tired," You whispered to yourself.

You kissed her head. "Sleep well, my little angel."

My heart is melting Omg-


New chap tmr

Bye besties!

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