❥ happily ever after

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You finally reached the venue where you were going to get ready.
Everyone was getting ready for your que.

You hear the piano play, the standing up of people and finally the doors opening and all seen through that pretty Veil of yours. You see your now to be husband softly smiling at you. "Ah i cant cry now" you quietly say to yourself. You look around and see your family, his family,your friends and his friends. You reach the alter now facing your lover.

"Do you take Tingnyei take Pregesier as your husband", "yes i do"..."and do you Pregesier take Tingnyei as your husband".."yes i do". "Then by the power of me, I pronounce you husband and husband(😭). Till death you do part, You may kiss"

And so Ajen moved closer to you and pulled back your veil then whispered "Pregesier Jenpah" and kissed you. [🦹‍♀️🦹‍♀️🦹‍♀️🦹‍♀️🦹‍♀️😘😘💪💪💪]

Ah the after party was amazing with drinks and celebration. After the wedding you and your now husband went back home to live your
Happily Ever After.

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