Ep. 8 | DAHYUN

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WARNINGS: ANGST but FLUFFY at the end   ;   Word Count: 900


"You're growing tired of me," You say flatly, the words sounding harsh even to your own ears. The corners of your mouth turn downwards into a frown, and you drop your gaze from her intense green eyes to the ground in shame.

Dahyun eyes flicker with guilt before she sighs heavily and shakes her head, "That's not...It isn't true!" She says quickly. Her face is set in determination, and you almost feel bad for bringing that up after all those years of silence. "Don't say such things. I could never ever..." She trails off in hesitation as if unsure how to finish the sentence.

The way her voice wavers at the end makes your heart twist painfully. A lump forms in your throat and you feel tears prickling the back of your eyes. You swallow the emotion and try again. It doesn't work. "But everyone else thinks it." You mumble, looking away from her again.

Your voice sounds choked, but you don't care. You don't want her to see that part of you anymore. The one that's weak, pathetic, and ugly. Your fingers wrap around your arms tighter and you pull them close to yourself, trying to make yourself smaller. "Everyone always tells me that you're getting tired of me-"

"They're wrong."

"Are they?" The words come out more bitterly than intended, but you can't bring yourself to care. "Or are you only saying that to make me feel better?" You ask bitterly. Anger bubbles inside you until suddenly you find yourself on the verge of crying again, unable to hold back any longer.

Dahyun shoulders stiffen and you can hear the crackle of static over the phone before she speaks softly, "Of course not, Y/n."

Your name rolls off her tongue easily, smoothly rolling over each syllable, like oil on water. Her tone is so comforting and gentle that your anger immediately begins to fade away, replaced by a warm sense of relief. But there's still the smallest spark of uncertainty in your chest.

Something about this whole situation feels so wrong, but you know what Dahyun means when she says 'they're all wrong.' So, why do you think she's lying?

Her soft voice breaks through the fog clouding your thoughts, "How could you possibly think that?" Her concern is palpable and the warmth spreads further throughout your body.

You huff a small breath of air that escapes your nose in a puff of smoke. "You tell me," Your voice comes out muffled by the fabric of your sleeves.

There is a long pause, filled with nothing but static crackling between the two of you. Then Dahyun whispers, "I don't think anyone would ever get tired of you, Y/n." She finishes quietly.

The sincerity in her voice makes your heart swell with warmth despite your worries. It takes a moment for you to respond, but you finally manage a shaky, "Really?" The corner of your mouth quirks upwards and the knot in your chest loosens just a little bit more, "Even though I'm always causing trouble and making you deal with all my problems?"

Dahyun laughs lightly, her deep baritone warming your soul, "Especially because you're constantly being a pain in my ass and making me have to put up with your shit." Her laugh is laced with amusement and you find yourself grinning against your will. She pauses then adds, "...and I love you for it."

A warm feeling swells in your chest. There was no denying it now, you were absolutely in love with this woman. You knew you had been since day one, but somehow it had never quite occurred to you before today. Maybe it was because you'd been too caught up with what the others were saying and acting on their opinions instead of yours.

"You love me?" You sniffle a little and wipe the corner of your eye with the sleeve of your hoodie.

Her laugh turns into an exasperated snort, "Yeah, idiot. I love you. I love you. I love you." Dahyun says each word as if they are a mantra of sorts, as she walks towards you. When she reaches your side, she wraps her arm around you and pulls you flush against her, her nose buried in your hair as she nuzzles closer.

There's another brief pause before she continues, "So, don't you dare say that to my face ever again. Because that will never happen. Understood?" Dahyun mutters into your ear.

You nod, your lips brushing against the soft skin of her neck. "Understood. I'm sorry for doubting you." Your voice is barely audible as you reply.

Dahyun hums happily, her grip tightening a little. "Good," She replies simply and you feel her smile against the top of your head. The warmth radiates outwards from her touch. You can't help the grin on your face.

You press into her embrace, inhaling deeply. She smells good and you feel safe and secure as she holds you securely. It's something that you've missed dearly. And although it's selfish, you hope that she'll keep holding you like this for a long time. Forever, even, if it's possible.

"I love you, too." You reply quietly.

Her laughter vibrates through you and sends a pleasant shiver down your spine. You feel her smile against the crown of your head. And then you both stay silent, letting the warmth of her embrace take over.


CONVERTED from TUMBLR.  Credits to the owner 

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