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Dear , Theodore Nott

Me and Draco have already started planning our wedding, I cannot wait! It will be beautiful.

Although I wish this was our wedding.

My brides mates Luna, Blaise's wife and Draco's cousin I presume. Millicent Bullstrode, my bestfriend!! The Greengrass sisters which was against me and Dracos taste, we most definitely did not want them at our wedding but it is what it is.

I didn't want Daphne at Draco & I's wedding because of when she tried to steal you from me, and Draco didn't want Astoria at our wedding because of how greatly annoying she is.

Anyways the groomsmen are Blaise, Draco's bestfriend, Harry, Draco told me that they are on good terms have been since the war. my brother Evan. And lastly Crabbe and Goyle, I've got to go Draco wants to go over the colors.

I love you forever Theodore Nott.

-forever yours , Inanna Rosier

Dear, Theodore | Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now