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I was holed up in my room at the Dursley's like I am every summer. But this time it was different.

I was laying on the bed curled up in a ball trembling and crying. Sobs wracked my body as my chest and back bled. Vernon just left a smile on his face from punishing me. For what this time, I have no clue about, but it still happened.

As I laid here I could hear a faint tune in my mind getting louder and louder. It sounded like humming, but it wasn't . The melodic voice just sang.  The song peaceful and calming. It calmed me to the point where I stopped sobbing and just laid there staring off into space.

As I stared off into space the song just played into my mind. Soon I was at peace unaware of what was happening. Before I knew it my wounds started to heal and I felt cool. The tune and song left my lips as I sang with the voice in my mind. The temperature dropped and the room turned a blue hue like I was under water. I snapped out of my trance and looked around as I sang. I wasn't in pain. I was taken aback as a figure soon appeared in front of me. Standing in the middle of my room was a strong looking male with piercing blue eyes, long jet black hair, he appeared to have gills on his neck. His toned body looked wet but he wasn't. He smiled down softly at me in happiness but also with sadness. He soon spoke to me but his mouth didn't move.

"My dear sweet boy. It has been so long that I have waited for this moment. I have no time to explain but I will soon. The song you hear is my own. I am a siren. Somewhere in your blood line your ancestors had siren blood whether by gift or blood. You, my child, are an amazing gift. I am your siren. My name is Azura. A female name I know but it is my name. I am here as you have called to me and your inheritance has awoken from severe trauma. Your body is changing as we speak but I am keeping you from feeling pain as you change. I will be your guide as well as your protector. What we are doing is an ancient magic called Sirenic magic. Usually only those that are merfolk or siren creatures can use this magic but you are a different case. Do not be alarmed, my child. With your creature being a siren you are able to use this magic. I am proud to be your siren as you are so strong. Now soon you will be getting a letter from the goblins who are friends of the sirens. Please listen to what the letter says. I must go but I will be with you and we can converse through your mind. I promise i Will be with you. Good luck my child and don't be afraid to follow your instincts." He spoke in a deep raspy voice before vanishing from sight. After he vanished everything started to go fuzzy, and black as I passed out.


It was a few hours later when I awoke and I looked around the room. Everything seemed brighter, and more vivid. I got up no longer in pain from being beaten by Vernon and the pain from the inheritance. I stood up slowly trying to get my bearings back. As I stood I slowly made my way over to the body mirror taking in my looks. I was taller. My height now 6 '1 by the look of it. My hair went down past my shoulders and it was dark black with white money pieces. My eye color had changed completely. It was a bright ocean blue with green around my pupil and a darker blue around the outer iris. My skin tone paled considerably. It was a beautiful ivory color. My body had toned up massively. You can see how muscular I had become. I lifted my shirt and my abs were a defined six pack and the V cut at my hips leading beneath my jeans were sharp. My senses were sharper than ever. I took off my glasses as they began to obstruct my vision. I could smell everything and I had to cover my nose as it started to hurt, the smell of my aunt's perfume was especially dizzying and caused me a light headache. Then as quickly as it came I heard everything in the house. It was deadly silent. No one was home. Which was a good thing. I didn't want them to see me like this and make more issues because of it. I quickly went over to the door waving my hand at the door to unlock it. When I heard the audible clicks of the locks I quickly opened the door and went down stairs opening the cupboard door under the stairs. I got my wand out but I took the trunk upstairs and quickly did a wand less incendio to it burning it up. Nothing of importance was inside it as it was empty. I had gotten a bag with a bottomless expansion charm on it, putting everything in the bag. After it was done burning, turning the trunk to ash, I heard hooting and tapping at my window. I quickly made my way over opening the window to let in the gorgeous black eagle owl.

The Inheritance حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن