just a heads up (a/n)

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I'm sorry for those of you waiting for the next chapter and more, I really am. I know it's taking a few months. The book isn't being abandoned I promise.
I've just been busy with stuff guys. School is a big one. Also my family life..and online social life.

I've lost a little interest in the Sun and Moon Show, since I've been distracted from watching new episodes from the past 2 months or so idk. I've also been focused on my own YouTube channel more than almost anything. I make videos for myself and my yt friends, cuz I'm just trying to keep my relationships with them.

Another thing, I haven't been feeling like writing my past few books I've wanted to do anyways.. I usually only get motivation for them when I'm really into the fandom it's for, and currently, I'm into another fandom called "Murder Drones" and I like the character pairing Uzi x N.. and I also simp for N. So I might make a short book about that, even tho I might not update that as much either, I'm still gonna try...

Hope you understand.

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