Chapter 47: Again?

Start from the beginning

I hear Sonic sigh yet again and without warning I feel a warmth on my back and his arms wrap around me, holding me close. "Shads. That is far from the truth. There is no reason for you to stop anything. You are definitely not taking advantage of me whatsoever. You have done plenty of good lately. Don't beat yourself up over accusations you make of yourself. I'm close to you right now because you have grown and changed lately, not because you're forcing me, or had convinced me somehow." I feel a few tears escape my eyes and I close them tightly, letting out soft whimpers as I lean into Sonics gentle touch.

We lay there for a minute, Sonic gently rubbing my arm for comfort, until I decide to speak again. "Are you sure that being close to me is a good idea? I don't exactly have the best track record for keeping my friends safe and happy." Sonic just chuckles and moves his hand up to my ear, playing with that instead. "I'm sure, Shadow. You have opened up a lot more and you're actually very sweet sometimes. I'm just upset you felt the need to try and drown your sorrows again." I nod "I'm sorry. I just felt like I needed to. I was trying to get drunk enough that I would just pass out and not have to deal with anything. Apparently I'm just at the emotional and revealing stage. Fuck. I did it again."

Sonic chuckles quietly again, mindlessly playing with my ear still. "That feels really nice by the way~" I say calmly. I can practically hear Sonic smile before he says "Good. That's my plan. I'm glad you're feeling better now. Ready for bed?" I nod my head "But don't roll over. I think I want to be held for once- Damn it. Tell no one about my filter drop." 'Ugh, I better shut up before I reveal more embarrassing things about myself.' He just squeezes me with his one arm and snuggles closer "Wasn't planning on it Shads." I just reply with "Good" as I fall asleep, for the first time being wrapped in someone else's arms.

I wake up in the morning, with Sonic wrapped around me, holding me close. I chuckle and move his arms, getting up and heading to the bathroom. Once I'm done I walk back in the bedroom to see Sonic waking up. "Morning." I say in my deeper morning voice, watching him jump and turn to me. "I didn't think your voice could go any lower. Also why are you out of bed? How did I not wake up?" I just shrug "I guess you were comfy. I just had to use the bathroom." Sonic stretches and gets up, putting his clothes on. "Feeling better?" He asks and I just give him a curt nod before turning to walk out the door to the kitchen. I notice a note on my coffee pot saying

'hey love hogs. Knuckles and Amy went to work from 9-5 and i'm going to the spa until 3. You two have fun ❤️;)'

I roll my eyes at Rouge's note and go and make my coffee, pouring Sonic some as well. 'Guess it's just us today. Good. The others are too annoying anyway.' He walks out of the door as I finish mixing his mug. I walk up to him with the two mugs, handing him his before I turn and walk to the chair. I watch as Sonic walks in the living room and sits down on that loveseat he likes so much. We enjoy our coffee in peace for a while, until I decide to break the silence for once. "Want to watch some more of those movies I picked out? It's only Wednesday, so we have a bit of time before the fight tomorrow evening."

Sonic just shrugs "Sure. Sounds good to me, I'll make popcorn." I nod "let's finish our coffee first. In silence preferably." Sonic chuckles and we finish our coffee in my preferred background, silence. I take the last sip and stand up, walking over to the sink to rinse my cup. Sonic walks up next to me and I turn and grab his cup, rinsing it as well. "Oh thanks Shads. I could have done it myself." I shrug my shoulders "I was already here."

I walk back into the living room as I hear Sonic making the popcorn. I pick out a couple movies and smirk to myself. 'Hmm, maybe I'll make him watch this movie. That'll be funny, even if he doesn't finish it.' I pick out a Horror movie to watch first, called 'Incident in a Ghostland' and then grab the movie with a light chuckle, placing it below the first one. I open the first one and put it in the slot, pressing play. I sit back down on the loveseat, waiting for Sonic to come back. He returns with our popcorn and sits beside me, turning his attention to the ads on the screen.

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