Chapter 14: Bloodlust

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"A murderous fiend, who kills again and again using a bizarre and brutal method... And at the scene of each crime, the word "bloodlust" is written in the victim's own blood. They're like a ghost, attacking suddenly then slipping away before the police can catch up to them. And what nickname did the Internet give to this mysterious serial killer?"

-End of Flashback-

"Genocide Jack!" Hiro cried out.

"Then this is...some copycat killer trying to imitate Genocide Jack's "style"? But...why would anyone do that?" Hina asked.

"'s the work of the real Genocide Jack," Byakuya suggested.

"The real...? Wait, are you saying Genocide Jack is here in the school!?" Hiro cried in fear.

"Th-There's no way...!" Hina denied.

"But going so far as to write bloodlust at the scene... I am surprised at their stupidity..." Celeste commented.

"I can't imagine a worse situation than dealing with a stupid murderer..." Sakura said.

"Ah--!" Hina let out a gasp.

"What is it now!?" Hifumi asked.

"Toko!" Hina cried out and pointed to the entrance. We all turned our heads to see Toko, who was the last to arrive, panicking.

"Ah...ahh...? Nnnnnno... Wh-Why...? Why...? W...h...y...? WHYYYYYYYY!?!?"


Toko fell to the ground and passed out.

"Toko!" I called out and ran to her and used my hand as a fan to give her some air.

"She fainted! That did NOT sound good!" Hiro panicked.

"T-Toko!" Hina said as she too rushed over to the collapsed Toko and started trying to shake her awake. "Toko, are you okay!? Come on, wake up!"

"Oh, that's right. I just remembered what she said, about how she faints anytime she sees blood," Hifumi said.

"So she is hemophobic? I imagine she does not watch too many horror films, then," Celeste said.

"This isn't a violation of the rules, right? I mean, technically she passed out somewhere besides her room," Hiro said.

"No, I think it should be okay. The regulations prohibit "sleeping." Like, on purpose," Makoto explained.

"Ahh, so since she didn't faint on purpose, it doesn't count? Gotcha," Hiro said, sounding relieved.

"Toko, can you hear me!? Hey, you gotta wake up!" Hina cried out. As if she'd heard her...Toko suddenly shot awake. As in, she literally jumped up from where she was laying. It was such a strange reaction, I was startled at her sudden outburst. She leapt straight up into the air, changing her stance as she did. Her tongue drooped out of her mouth and her eyes narrowed.

"Huh? What?" Hina said, confused.

"Sorry about that. I was just so shocked, ya know? It happens, right? Was I the only one?" Toko asked. Her speech was entirely different from how she usually speaks.

"T-Toko? Are you...okay?" Makoto asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! Kyehaha...! Whoa, is that a dead body!? Hey! Are you dead!? Kyeehahaha!" Toko laughed.

"She musta hit her head 'real' hard when she fainted..." Hiro commented.

"The world has a front and a back, a top inning and a bottom, a sea of truth and a web of lies!"

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