"You like it? It's not just a suit anymore, it's my own personal robot! It focuses in on your voice and then listens to anything you say, retinal scanners, he generates heat or AC, can literally order anything you want, and wait for it!" You pause for dramatic affect, doing little jazz hands, "It can put it's self back together!"

Bucky's jaw was slack, he couldn't properly gather words. You went above and beyond to prove to Tony that you could be helpful and interesting again. If Tony couldn't see how hard you worked, then Bucky was truly the only person who took an interest in your work and life.

"That's, Y/n, that's fucking awesome." He whispered, watching the robot dance around while you did.

"I know! And it only took me six hours! Normally, this kind of thing would take me a day, maybe two. But, I'm just. . I want to prove to everyone that I can do it. And what better way than to make a personalized crime fighting robot?!" You smiled, clapping your hands.

Bucky chuckled lightly, running his hands through his hair, "If Tony isn't impressed by this, I'm taking you somewhere where they would be. You did an amazing job, doll. I'm proud of you."

You felt your face flush heavily, looking down at your feet you couldn't help the goofy smile, "Thank you. Now, off to show Tiny. He's probably awake by now."

"Good luck, doll." He smiled back, waving, "Good luck. . ."

Finding Tony wasn't hard, you heard him drilling something from two halls down. You were definitely prepared this time, prepared to prove him wrong and earn his attention again.

"Tony?" You called out, skipping down to his lab doors, "Tony!"

"Yes?" He stopped his drilling, facing you with a hint of annoyance, "How can I— what the fuck!"

"I know!" You laughed, "See? I told you I could do something to amaze you. Look, it's got all the gadgets and everything you need. You can even order take out and personalize him to recognize your voice only! He can take down at least an army of guys before running out of steam, he can lift the weight of a tank, and get this he can fly. I based him off your suit, sure, but the rest was my modifications. So, how do you like him?"

Tony furrowed his brows, walking around the giant robot a couple times before stopping in front of you. He seemed to be in a state of shock and. . amazement?

"He's not bad." He nodded in approval, making you smile widely, "How do you get in it?"

"You don't," You shook your head, "He's a robot Tony, not an animatronic. You can't crawl into him, it defeats the purpose of making him a robot."

"Okay, nice. He'll make company for breakfast." He gave a tight-lipped smile before walking back over to his desk and continuing his work.

"Breakfast?" You raised a brow, "Tony, this is a fighting machine. He's not made to cook eggs inside his stomach. He's mainly made to fight, side codes like ordering and heaters are just for fun."

Rolling his eyes, he turned in his chair with a distant look, "Oh, sorry. Forgot to ask but uhm, has he been tested? Field wise? Great reflex's? Is the damn thing able to strictness from attack to calm and not turn on us?"

"Well, no," You bit your lip, "But test runs are still in progress, a week tops and he'll be good to go."

"A week tops and we might be the worlds greatest hero's on a tomb stone, Y/n." He gritted his teeth, "You mean to tell me you built this and didn't test it first? You were up and going all this time and forgot to make it work properly?"

"I—I'm sorry, I was just excited to show you what I got so far that I didn't—"

"Of course you didn't, and you want to know why?" He shouted at you, striding up to be just a few inches away from you, "It's because you don't think in time of need! If you did Sam wouldn't be hospitalized right now! He'd be okay, walking, making stupid jokes! You jeopardized his life and for what?! To save yourself?!"

James Buchanan Barnes Imagine book 2 Where stories live. Discover now