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Boldor grabbed y/ns head and lifted you up, grabbed your waist and turned you around. Boldor pulled down your pants and shoved his tree dick inside stretching your asshole are tearing your insides apart

"AAAAA HOLY SHIT HOLDER WHAT THE FUCK YOUR TREE LENGTH IS TOO MUCH~!" y/n screams into the shadows tear dragging their fluid bodys down
y/n's face.

A scream escapes from y/n's mouth as boldor thrusts  inside of y/n, boldor moans viciously and fluid starts traveling up the veins of his throbbing rod, and pumping into y/n's ass.

Tear stream down y/n's face and through the ridgid back and forth movement they start to get motion sickness and their past meal threatens to erupt out of their mouth.

Y/n bites their lip trying to stop the grapes and cereal from pushing out of their mouth but ultimately fails, y/n's mouth forces itself open and a disgusting almost vile mix of food escapes in a grotesque manner and swirls around in fluids, though in the mix of repulsive and sickening pile of fluids and chunks of un digested chunks of food is something that stands out y/n takes a closer look and their eyes widen followed by a sickening smile whilst boldor pulls out.

"Boldor it your turn~" Boldor looks at y/n and them the pile of food on the floor diguated but he quickly realizes that inside of the gruesome pile was a card, a +4 card and his eyes widened.

"Y/n we can talk about this!" Y/n quickly forces him onto the ground ass facing up and ties him down. Yn quickly looks for something to use then remembers the seeds in their pocket and smiles at the 'magic grow' packet in the corner of the (room?).

Y/n walked over to the corner and grabbed the packet and walked over to boldor almost enjoying the sound of his pleas.


Y/n scouted the seeds out of their pocket grabbing four and entering them inside, followed by the immediate grow syrum.

Y/n enjoyed the sounds of boldors tears and laughed at how pathetic he looked with branches sprouting out of his and and quickly growing in length forcing its way into the little light left in the room attempting to gain sunlight from the lamp, desperately trying to survive the darkness despite knowing that is just going to shrivel up anyway.

Boldor cried followed by muffled shout as the trees go up his throat and pierce through his stomach and crack his ribs.


Alright I'm done writing ✌👍🤞🤞✌✌✌🫁🫁🫁

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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